Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Articles written by Judy Trujillo

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 7 of 7

  • Rotary Essay Contest Winners

    Judy Trujillo, contributing writer|Mar 2, 2024

    Each year the Rotary Club of Tehachapi sponsors an essay contest for elementary, junior high and high school students based on the Rotary 4-Way Test: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? This year's winners have been announced. They are as follows: High School 1st place: Elliott Gonzales, Valley Oaks Charter School - $200 (Read Elliott's essay at https://www.theloopnewspaper.com/s...

  • 'Say Yes!'

    Judy Trujillo, contributing writer|Sep 30, 2023

    The Rotary Club of Tehachapi and the Tehachapi Healthcare District are joining forces to present "SayYes!," a leadership seminar for teens grades 9-12. Life has been difficult for all of us these past few years. Social isolation, loneliness, loss of school time and interaction with friends has caused a crisis with our kids and they are hurting. Our future as a society depends on them and their ability to navigate in the wide world. We want to give them the support and care they need to become su...

  • Peace in Our World Youth Art Contest

    Judy Trujillo, contributing writer|Aug 19, 2023

    The Rotary Club of Tehachapi and the Tehachapi Healthcare District are joining forces to present several activities and events for our teenagers in Tehachapi. Life has been difficult for all of us these past few years. Social isolation, loneliness, loss of school time and interaction with friends has caused a crisis with our kids and they are hurting. Our future as a society depends on them and their ability to navigate in the wider world. We want to give them the support and care they need to...

  • Service Above Self: Rotary in action

    Judy Trujillo, Rotary Club President|Dec 17, 2022

    "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." – Anne Frank To achieve "Peace on earth, good will toward men" this holiday season and beyond, each of us needs to regularly practice peace in our own lives. Things as simple as holding open a door, smiling and saying "hello," allowing that car to merge (even when you know you don't have to). It's small acts of kindness. It's being patient with the over-worked clerk; allowing the customer behind y...

  • Locals assist Rotary with food delivery

    Judy Trujillo, contributing writer|Jan 2, 2021

    Small "what ifs" can grow into a community of giving when you live in Tehachapi! A Rotary Club project that was originally designed just for members as a way to give back this holiday season grew by leaps and bounds into a food project that included people from all over the greater Tehachapi area. There were small donations of cash from local individuals and bigger donations from Terra-Gen and BHE Renewables LLC that allowed Rotarians to shop for food to fill 50 boxes, as well as so many...

  • Rotary Youth Exchange

    Judy Trujillo|Feb 2, 2019

    Rotary has a program that allows young people from our local Rotary Club area to go on a “Youth Exchange” to a foreign country and, in the exchange, a student from another country comes to Tehachapi for a year. This is the first year the Rotary Club of Tehachapi will be participating in this exciting program. Aiden Wood, a student at Valley Oaks Charter School and a member of our VOCHS Interact Club has applied and is looking forward to going abroad this coming fall. To quote Aiden: “I first...

  • Nine Tehachapi students selected to attend RYLA!

    Judy Trujillo|Apr 25, 2015

    The Rotary Club of Tehachapi is thrilled to be able to send nine Tehachapi High School students to RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) in Ojai, Calif, April 23-26. RYLA is a leadership camp designed especially for the future leaders of our community. During their four days in Ojai, these nine young people will participate in classes ranging from "Goal Setting" to "Team Building". They will have the opportunity to work on their presentation skills as they participate in classes about public...

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