Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Articles written by phyllis belcher

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  • The good old days in Hollywood are gone

    Phyllis Belcher|May 13, 2017

    They don't make movies like they used to. That was how Dan Branson began his talk to the Kiwanis Club last week. He went on to tell about his early days as a screen writer in Hollywood. He feels movies these days are produced by what he calls corporate types who hate to take risks. They rely too much on sequels and remakes and produce more bad movies than good ones. Kiwanis members were thoroughly entertained with stories Dan Branson related about early days in Hollywood when movies were...

  • Steve Denman to speak at 31st annual Prayer Breakfast

    Phyllis Belcher|Apr 29, 2017

    Steve Denman has been selected as the keynote speaker at the May 4 Prayer Breakfast sponsored by Kiwanis Club of Tehachapi. The breakfast is one of the events planned for the National Day of Prayer. It will be held on Thursday, May 4, at 6:45 a.m. at St. Malachy's McMullan Hall, 407 West E Street. Denman was chosen to speak because of the example he has set for staff and students at Tehachapi High School where he teaches and coaches football. He believes strongly in taking responsibility for...

  • Oil is vital to the world

    Phyllis Belcher|Apr 29, 2017

    Wallace Kleck shared his knowledge of geology with the Kiwanis Club when he spoke to them about oil. He called it "black gold" because of its importance to the world. Using a power point presentation he explained how oil was created in oceans when plants and animals died, mixed with sand, and "cooked" for thousands of years. Man has been using oil for four thousand years, scooping it up where it seeped up from the ground. About 150 years ago, they learned to drill for the oil erecting wooden...

  • Scottish Heritage recognized by Church

    Phyllis Belcher|Apr 15, 2017

    There was an unusual addition to the regular service of worship at Tehachapi Community Congregational Church (UCC) last week. It was a Scottish tradition called Kirkin' 'o the Tartans. It dates back to the mid-eighteenth century when wearing of the tartan and playing of bagpipes was outlawed by the Hanovarian English government. On Sunday mornings, during the years when these bans were publicly enforced, Scotish people would secretly carry a small piece of their clan's tartan to church under...

  • Let's all be kind

    Phyllis Belcher|Apr 1, 2017

    It was an article in Parade Magazine that inspired Mayor Pro Tem Susan Wiggins to launch a campaign called Be Kind. She explained, at a Kiwanis meeting, that the article suggested ways cities could promote kindness by supporting senior citizens, partnering with community groups, and encouraging the granting of scholarships. She realized our city was already doing these things, and perhaps we just needed to remind ourselves to be kind, to smile at people we see, to be slow to anger, and to help...

  • Kiwanians learn about Historic Women

    Phyllis Belcher|Mar 18, 2017

    Kiwanis Club recognized Women's History Month by inviting three members of American Association of University Women to their March meeting. The women are members of AAUW's Storytellers Group who impersonate women who have done important things during their life. Diane Bergstrom, dressed in a 1930s style, portrayed Pamela Travers, the author and creator of Mary Poppins. She explained that was not her real name but one she chose. Her father's first name was Travers, and he died when she was only...

  • Democrats recognize Women's History Month

    Phyllis Belcher|Mar 18, 2017

    Tehachapi Mountain Democrats honored Women's History Month by inviting three historic women to speak about their lives. American Association of University Women has a group of members who research the lives of famous women and portray them at schools and service organizations. It was members of that group who came to the TMD meeting. Phyllis Belcher was Mary Coulter, the architect for Fred Harvey Houses which were built in the early 1900s. You may have seen some of her buildings if you have...

  • AAUW celebrates its birthday

    Phyllis Belcher|Mar 18, 2017

    Tehachapi Mountain Branch of American Association of University Women celebrated its 33rd anniversary this year at the March AAUW meeting. The Branch was organized by Evelyn Seaman and Marti Sprinkle in 1980 as a satellite of Bakersfield Branch. After four years as part of Bakersfield, Tehachapi was large enough and strong enough to become a separate branch. There are now about 100 members who promote equity and education for women and girls. The branch is especially proud of its role in...

  • Take care of your heart

    Phyllis Belcher|Mar 4, 2017

    How to have a healthy heart was the topic for members of Kiwanis when Beverly Thompson spoke to the group recently. She is a survivor of heart disease and is now coordinator for Heart Health in Bakersfield which is part of a national organization based in Washington, D.C. that promotes women's health. Thompson had a heart attack while at work in 2010. After that she decided to get involved in helping women and men understand how to maintain a healthy heart. She attended a training session at...

  • School law

    Phyllis Belcher|Feb 18, 2017

    Dr. Marian Stephens spoke to American Association of University Women at the February meeting about her experiences as a consultant to attorneys on cases concerning education. She said that attorneys certainly know the law, but they are not as familiar with the Education Code as she is. With 45 years of experience in the field of education, she is knowledgeable about school policy and administration of the Code. Stephens did not seek this work, but it developed when an attorney contacted her...

  • Voyager program update

    Phyllis Belcher|Feb 4, 2017

    Dale Hawkins, retired from a career in engineering, is now a Solar System Ambassador for NASA/JPL. In this capacity, he spoke to Kiwanis recently about the Voyager Program. He explained there are two Voyager spacecrafts which were launched only months apart in 1977 with the primary mission being the exploration of Jupiter and Saturn. This mission yielded much information for the scientific community. Built to last five years, they were sent on a two-year mission and have lasted well beyond....

  • Volunteer in Poland speaks to Kiwanis

    Phyllis Belcher|Jan 21, 2017

    A Summer Internship with Josiah Venture introduced Kyle Yates to the beauty of Poland. This organization began 20 years ago and now organizes mission trips to 14 countries. The program provides English, music, and sports camps to young people. Yates has had five trips to Poland where twice he has spent summers conducting classes in English. He shared his enthusiasm for this experience when he spoke to the Kiwanis club recently. Yates explained that English is a second language for Poles and is...

  • Kiwanis learns about old cars

    Phyllis Belcher|Nov 12, 2016

    Antique cars are at least 75 years old, but classic cars are special because fewer of them were made. This is one of the things Kiwanis members learned from Harold Cox when he spoke at their recent meeting. Cox became hooked on antique cars when, as a young man, he saw a 1929 Rolls Royce. He could not afford that one, but he borrowed $90 from his dad and bought an old Packard. He fixed it up until he sold it at a profit. From that beginning, his interest in cars grew to the point he joined the...

  • German influence is celebrated

    Phyllis Belcher|Nov 12, 2016

    Reformation Sunday was recognized by Tehachapi Community Congregational Church because in 1517 Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses which marked the start of the Protestant Reformation in Germany. In the Sunday sermon, Pastor Nancy Bacon explained both the positive and negative aspects of this movement. Readings and hymns written by German theologians where used in the service. After church the congregation gathered in Friendship Hall for a meal which featured many typical German foods. During...

  • New Lt. Governor of Kiwanis is installed

    Phyllis Belcher|Oct 15, 2016

    Members of the Kiwanis Club of Tehachapi attended the Installation Dinner of 2016-2017 Lt. Governor John Sullivan in Bakersfield. The installation was conducted by Pete Edwards who is Governor of Kiwanis International California-Nevada-Hawaii District Division 33. Edwards recalled the purpose of Kiwanis is to improve the world, one child and one community at a time. The local Kiwanis Club meets each Wednesday at noon at Don Juan's on South Street. Kiwanis projects to help children include...

  • Fire Season is Ahead

    Phyllis Belcher|Jul 9, 2016

    Kiwanis members learned about fire safety at a recent meeting of the club. Three members of Kern County Fire Department spoke about programs to prevent fires and precautions that should be taken to be safe. Engineer Aaron Davis was the main spokesman with additional help from Captain Trevor Baldwin and Firefighter Mike Sanchez. An interesting program in Kern County is called ReadyKern. It is a telephone notification system that will deliver public safety messages to you at any phone number or...

  • Fire Season is Ahead

    Phyllis Belcher|Jun 11, 2016

    Kiwanis members learned about fire safety at a recent meeting of the club. Three members of Kern County Fire Department spoke about fire prevention programs and precautions that should be taken to be fire safe. Engineer Aaron Davis was the main spokesman with additional help from Captain Trevor Baldwin and Firefighter Mike Sanchez. An interesting program in Kern County is called ReadyKern. It is a telephone notification system that will deliver public safety messages to you at any phone number...

  • Say 'Yes!' to Libraries

    Phyllis Belcher|May 14, 2016

    Measure F is the future for Kern County Libraries. This was explained to Kiwanis by Mandy Walters, a librarian who devotes personal time to speaking about the measure on the June ballot. Yes votes will allow all branches to be open at least five days per week and update technology in Kern County libraries. It will expand library programs, services, and literacy programs for children, teens, and adults. Walters explained there are 24 library branches and two book mobiles in Kern. They are funded...

  • Riverwind is coming to town

    Phyllis Belcher|Apr 30, 2016

    Kiwanis members were treated to a preview of the upcoming musical, Riverwind, when Director Karl Schuck introduced the cast and explained his reasons for selecting this play. He had seen Riverwind in 1965 and dreamed of one day being its director. When there was an opening for Tehachapi Community Theater to stage a musical, Schuck volunteered to direct the play that had captivated him many years ago. He described the play as sweet and charming, the perfect show for Tehachapi. The story takes...

  • The Prison has a long history

    Phyllis Belcher|Apr 30, 2016

    The former women's prison in Tehachapi had its beginning in 1852 explained Del Troy, Tehachapi's well known historian, when she spoke to the Kiwanis Club. In those early days there was a ship at San Quentin Point that held 50 convicts, some of whom were women. A prison was built for them, and the women were housed in the same facility as the men until 1928 when the legislature approved separate prisons for women. The State of California purchased 1700 acres in Cummings Valley from Lucas Brite...

  • Kiwanis learns about Angola

    Phyllis Belcher|Oct 24, 2015

    Hope for Angola was the message George Wolfe delivered to the Kiwanis Club. He retired this year from working in the oil business in that country. In 2007 he was promoted to Turn-Around Coordinator in Angola where he worked a rotating shift of one month on and one month off. His job was planning shut downs of oil platforms for repairs and maintenance. After four years he retired, but was asked to return to be in charge of operating procedures. So once again he worked in Angola and continued...

  • Hats warm newborns

    Phyllis Belcher|Sep 12, 2015

    A team of knitters has been busy making baby hats to be given to newborns in Uganda, Peru, and elsewhere. In developing countries, babies are often of low birth weight and hats help to keep them warm. Nearly 80 hats have been completed and have been on display in the sanctuary of Tehachapi Community Congregational Church for the last few weeks. All those hats were knitted by a small group of members and friends including Catherine Smirnoff, Carol Kemmerer, Carolyn Scott, Dalton Steele Reed, Claudia White and Jan Combs. They enjoyed the...

  • WWII Vets honored

    Phyllis Belcher|Apr 25, 2015

    Honor Flights is a program to recognize the service of veterans of World War II and the Korean War. Rick Zanuto says they deserve recognition because they sacrificed their innocence and their youth to fight for their country. He spoke recently to the Kiwanis Club and described the experiences he has accompanying veterans on these flights. Zanuto said Honor Flights in Kern County began in 2012 with 24 veterans ranging in age from 80 to 101. Since that time he has accompanied six flights as a guardian, one who is assigned to assist veterans...

  • Local church celebrates Earth Day

    Phyllis Belcher|Apr 25, 2015

    Earth Day received special attention at Tehachapi Community Congregational Church when poppies and buckwheat were planted in the peace garden. Pastor Nancy Bacon's sermon emphasized caring for God's earth. Julie St. John delivered a children's message about preserving Earth’s resources and recycling. Children helped with placing plants around the peace pole, which was suggested by Esther Burdine a few years ago. The pole has words in various languages with prayers for peace on earth. The plants in the garden are drought tolerant, and with t...

  • Kiwanis Club hears about Renaissance Fairs

    Phyllis Belcher|Apr 11, 2015

    Renaissance Fairs have become popular events and are held in various places, but the original one began years ago in Topanga Canyon, Calif. Jonathan Hall explained the history and development of the fairs when he recently spoke to Tehachapi Kiwanis members. Hall has been participating in Renaissance Fairs for over 30 years. To prepare for the event he spends four weekends in preparation where participants learn the history of the Renaissance, practice dialect, and learn roles. Then the fair goes on for another four weekends. Hall has often...

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