Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Articles written by phyllis belcher

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  • Homelessness is on the decline in Kern

    Phyllis Belcher|Mar 14, 2015

    The Kern County Homeless Collaborative (KCHC) wants to put an end to homelessness in Kern County. Christine Lollar told Tehachapi Kiwanis members that the Homelessness Census showed 953 people were homeless during a 24 hour period in January. The effort is held annually to determine trends and solutions to help people who are homeless. Since the homeless population is migratory, rural counts can vary and the KCHC is available to assist communities. Lollar is the manager for KCHC whose members...

  • A Pen is a thing of beauty

    Phyllis Belcher|Feb 28, 2015

    Pens can be works of art. This was evident when Kent Schick spoke to the Tehachapi Kiwanis Club about his hobby, turned business, of making pens. He explained that he had tried making pens about 25 years ago and considered his work a failure, but six years ago he tried again and found success. Part of that success came from investing in proper tools and materials. Schick has the equipment and know-how to make anything that is round, including razors and ice cream scoops. He specializes in...

  • Garrett speaks to Tehachapi Kiwanis

    Phyllis Belcher|Feb 14, 2015

    The City is like a corporation, with City Hall as the corporate headquarters, and the City Council as the Board of Directors. The customers are the residents and the business owners. Greg Garrett, Tehachapi City Manager, used this analogy as he outlined the City's success and progress at a recent Kiwanis Club meeting. Garrett stressed how important it is that the City live up to the expectations of its customers who want an active and high quality life style. There are 9 thousand residents in...

  • Local Author Visits Kiwanis

    Phyllis Belcher|Jan 17, 2015

    A real basket made nearly a century ago by Rosie Hicks, a young Nuwa (Kawaiisu) woman, was the inspiration for a book called The Butterfly Basket. It was written by Sand Canyon resident Cynthia Waldman. She spoke recently to the Kiwanis Club and told how she combined her lifelong love of nature and a keen interest in Native American culture to write this interesting book. The story takes place in the early 1930s in the Tehachapi area and tells of a friendship between two eleven year old...

  • Hand-Cutler of Fiddler's CrossingInform & Entertain AAUW

    Phyllis Belcher|Jan 17, 2015

    Debbie Hand-Cutler and Peter Cutler presented an interesting program about women singers and songwriters of folk music to American Association of University Women (AAUW). They talked about the evolution of folk music which began as dance music or "just sitting on the front porch music." When the phonograph and radio came into common use things changed. The Carter Family, led by Maybelle Carter, began performing and making records in the 1920s. Cutler played an original recording of Maybelle...

  • Kiwanis Learns About Tejon Ranch

    Phyllis Belcher|Jan 3, 2015

    Scott Pitkin, the public access coordinator for Tejon Ranch, spoke to the Tehachapi Kiwanis club about the Tejon Conservancy Agreement, which was established in 2008 and signed by then Governor Schwarzenegger. The Ranch encompasses 2,700,000 acres and the Conservancy has easement protection over 240,000 acres. This enables protection of native species, research, and access to the public. Pitkin urged people to go online to tejonconservancy.org and sign up for guided trips, docent training, or...

  • AAUW Picks a Winner

    Phyllis Belcher|Dec 20, 2014

    Dr. Susan Hall was the winner of a year's pass for two to attend movies at the Hitching Post Theater. The pass was donated to American Association of University by Will Viner, owner of Hitching Post Theaters, to raise funds for local scholarships. Mr. Viner has been making this donation to AAUW for several years and helps make it possible for the group to continue as a leader in providing help to Tehachapi students. The winning ticket was drawn by AAUW president, Sonja Wilson, at their recent holiday party. Dr. Hall was present and was...

  • Breakfast with Santa was enjoyed by all

    Phyllis Belcher|Dec 20, 2014

    Lots of Tehachapi children had breakfast with Santa last week. They ate pancakes and sausage, colored pictures, and had their picture taken with Santa. Parents also had breakfast, and some colored pictures along with their children. They were all smiles while they watched the picture-taking by Jackie Woods. The photos will be mailed to the parents very soon. The event was hosted, free of charge, by Kiwanis, Rotary, and the Salvation Army. Breakfast With Santa was sponsored by Parks and Rec for many years, and when they could no longer do it,...

  • TUSD Superintendent addresses Tehachapi Kiwanis Club

    Phyllis Belcher|Nov 22, 2014

    Susan Andreas-Bervel, Superintendent of Tehachapi Unified School District, was the guest speaker at a recent Tehachapi Kiwanis meeting. She stated the goal of TUSD is to promote college and career readiness for all students. She described Common Core as a way to ensure that students are prepared for college work and for a productive life. Under new guidelines, learning is progressive with spiral curriculum that begins in kindergarten and continues through all grades. Focus is on critical...

  • Energy Issues Are Studied

    Phyllis Belcher|Sep 27, 2014

    Energy independence was the latest topic discussed by the Great Decisions group in which some members of American Association of University Women participate. The group meets monthly to discuss the various topics selected by the Foreign Policy Association. Members read and study prepared material, view a video, and consider questions posed by the FPA. To gain more understanding of the energy topic, Porter Underwood was invited to share his knowledge of the oil business. He is a retired...

  • Community Church, Make a Better Garden

    Phyllis Belcher|Mar 29, 2014

    Composting is the topic for the First Friday event at Tehachapi Community Church, 100 E. E St., from 5 to 8 p.m. on April 4. Rick Gillies, owner of Mountain Garden Nursery, will demonstrate how home gardens can benefit from composting. He will also be discussing water saving plants. Gillies has owned the nursery at the corner of Curry and C streets for many years and is an expert on plants in Tehachapi. Carol Rush, representing Tehachapi Resource Conservation District, will be assisting Gillies...

  • Focus on Japan at Community Church

    Phyllis Belcher|Feb 1, 2014

    Jeffrey Mensendiek will present "The Church in Japan – Witnessing to God's Saving Love in post-Fukushima Japan" on Friday, Feb. 7, from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at Tehachapi Community Congregational Church, 100 E. E St. Rev. Mensendiek is a missionary for the United Church of Christ and has served there for 22 years. He is now working as a chaplain at Kwansei Gakuin University and is speaking out about peace and justice concerns and promoting a culture of inclusion and tolerance. The presentation w...