Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Articles from the March 28, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 61

  • The building of an environmentally friendly lifestyle - part 2

    Pat Doody, Welcome Hostess|Mar 28, 2015

    In the last issue of The Loop, retired planetary scientist Ann Tovormina shared her dream for a sustainable lifestyle in Tehachapi. Her house was designed and executed to have a low carbon footprint and still be a comfortable home. The last article dealt with the building of the main house which was constructed using passive solar energy as the primary source of heat with the back-up of a masonry stove. Electricity to the entire property is supplied by active solar panels which are mounted on...

  • Thunderbirds at LA Air Show 2015

    Nick Alteri|Mar 28, 2015

    The United States Air Force Thunderbirds Jets Demonstration Team was the headlining act of the 2015 Los Angeles County Air Show. The Thunderbirds, along with an exciting array of thrilling jets, world-renowned aerobatic performers and historic aircraft, captivated fans and inspired both young and old at Fox Airfield in Lancaster, Calif. this past March 21-22. Many folks from Tehachapi made the short trek down the road to Lancaster and were delighted by the gravity-defying maneuvers, fly-overs...

  • Salvation Army: A good place to hang out

    Mar 28, 2015

    The recent fundraiser tea party held by the Rotary Club of Tehachapi raised funds for the Salvation Army's after school program. Junior High and High School aged kids are welcome at this wonderful after school hangout. Located across the street from Monroe High School at the corner of Tehachapi Blvd. and Dennison Rd., kids can show up after school, grab a snack, meet friends, and play various games. Games include foosball, ping pong, cards, basketball, and a host of board games. Supervised by a...

  • Rotary's traditional tea party

    Mar 28, 2015

    The Tehachapi Rotary Club held a lovely formal afternoon tea in support of the Salvation Army's after school program. Held in the beautifully decorated and intimate setting of Fiddlers Crossing, hot teas of many blends were brewed. A large variety of finger sandwiches and desserts highlighted the afternoon tea. Desserts included cookies, chocolate confections and the traditional scones with heavy cream, along with raspberry and strawberry toppings. Donated raffle items were on hand to help...

  • Casino Royal 2015

    Mar 28, 2015

    Casino Royal Dinner...

  • Meet your new neighbors

    Pat Doody, Welcome Hostess|Mar 28, 2015

    Sara and Fred Nilson moved to Tehachapi last October from Bakersfield. When I asked what brought them here, Sara said it was the beautiful area, the horse-friendly atmosphere and they also had friends here. Both of them were raised in the Bakersfield area. Fred attended Kern Valley High School in Lake Isabella and is an only child. He currently does international sales for an oil related company in Bakersfield. His company builds and leases out mud coolers to be used on hot oil wells. He is a...

  • Coffee-fueled ministry

    Nancy Bacon, Reverend|Mar 28, 2015

    OK, I’ll admit it…one of my guilty pleasures is an occasional grande skinny cinnamon dolce latte from Starbucks. I love Starbucks and I wouldn’t feel as much guilt if their coffee was Fair Trade, but the company does make impressive efforts to engage important soci-political issues. Their newest campaign, “Race Together” intrigues me. Discussing racial issues is tricky and I am wondering how my barista will get my fancy coffee order correct while juggling such a hot topic. My church began a c...

  • Feeling Invincible

    Linda Carhart|Mar 28, 2015

    My Mom is 93 and quite honestly, for her age, is in amazingly good health. I just recently came to the realization that by watching her I developed a false sense of being invincible, expecting to live a long life, assuming that I have some type of miraculous genes that will take me well into my 90s. Now, having had my second wake up call, I am struggling to understand that listening to my body and perhaps slowing down my sometimes hectic pace may be essential to seeing me to a ripe old age. First I suffered a TIA (also known as a mini stroke)...

  • Be prepared for those RMDs

    Edward Jones, Edward jones Financial Advisor|Mar 28, 2015

    You might not think that 70½ represents any particular milestone. But when you do reach this age, you will have to make some decisions that affect an important aspect of your life — your retirement income. Here’s the background: Once you turn 70½, you will need to start taking withdrawals from your 401(k) or similar employer-sponsored retirement plan and from your traditional IRA (but not your Roth IRA). Actually, you will need to begin these withdrawals — known as “required minimum distribut...

  • Another Relay year is here

    Mar 28, 2015

    We have a new event this year in May as well; The Relay Diamond Ball which is directed by Matthew Cruse, the 2015 Relay Chair. We will be forwarding information about this event in coming weeks. We are really excited about this new event which will be on May 22nd. The following is a complete list of the pre-Relay events we will be having this year. Bark for Life - April 25th, Barb Villasenor, Chair Relay Diamond Ball - May 22nd, Matthew Cruse, Chair Ride for Life Poker Run - May 30th (date may change), Trent and Mike Pera, Chairs Survivor...

  • Tehachapi Treasure Trove

    Mar 28, 2015

    The featured artist will be Bassema Korkor. Bassema creates a variety of unique jewelry and home decor using polymer clay and wire wrapping. Art Larson will provide background music on his clarinet. Come help us celebrate spring. Bassema has been creating art in many forms, since she was a young child, she started drawing and painting. While living in Vienna as a young adult she studied oil painting with some well know artists. After moving to Tehachapi in 2006, she learned polymer clay and wire wrapping and other art forms from several of the...

  • Tehachapi Christian Store

    Mar 28, 2015

    The Tehachapi Christian Store will host a local Christian group from Tehachapi Nazarene Church for our April First Friday concert at 6 p.m. The group is called Men of Faith. They are an Evangelical Gospel West Coast Quartet with new sounds of Modern Contemporary and Southern Gospel style. They have been singing together for over a year now. Singers are Danny, Dale, Mike and Daniel. In their evangelical heritage, they always end their concerts with the invitational song, God So Loved the World. As always, the concert is free and refreshments...

  • TVAA's Gallery 'n Gifts

    Mar 28, 2015

    Featured this April will be TVAA’s “Youth Art Contest” for Tehachapi’s young artists kindergarten through 12th grade. Winners of this event include: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place plus honorable mentions for each of the six categories, and” Best of Show” for the Elementary Grades and also” Best of Show” for High School entrants. The event will include refreshments and of course Gallery ‘n’ Gifts eclectic mix of wonderful original gift items and fine art for sale. Owned and operated by Tehachapi Valley Art Association, the gallery is located at 100 W...

  • Community Church Opens for First Friday

    Mar 28, 2015

    First Friday Features Wood and Weaving Wood carving and weaving will be featured on First Friday, April 3, at Tehachapi Community Church, corner of Green and E Streets, from 5 - 8 p.m. Carvers from the Tehachapi Senior Center Class, taught by Durwood Thrasher, will be demonstrating carving methods and displaying their work. Also on display will be pieces carved by Don Kordes, a master carver with 25 years of experience. Another method of working with wood will be demonstrated by Jim Dinsmore who makes bowls and chests and other beautiful...

  • Sheridan's Boutique Home Consignment

    Mar 28, 2015

    Sheridan's Boutique Home Consignment will be celebrating Easter this First Friday. Once again Karen Eskew, formerly of Molly Kate's Tea Room in Lancaster, will be serving her wonderful Paris Tea along with a floral champagne tea punch. By customer request, we will also have tins of the Paris tea available for purchase. Stop by and check out our new Spring arrivals, and enjoy some delicious homemade teacakes and deviled eggs. Sheridan's is located at 108 W. Tehachapi Blvd....

  • 'First Friday' in Tehachapi - April 3, 5 to 8 p.m.

    Mar 28, 2015

    First Fridays have become a fun evening for us to open our doors, get out some arts and crafts, a little music, some yummy food, light a sanctuary full of candles and engage in fun, creativity, or prayerful meditation. Come and join us on Friday, April 3 from 5 - 8 p.m. Refreshments and hospitality and shopping will be served at all the venues participating. Gallery ‘N’ Gifts and the TVAA Featured this April will be TVAA’s “Youth Art Contest” for Tehachapi’s young artists kindergarten through 12th grade at Gallery ‘N Gifts, 100 W. Tehachapi...

  • Fiddlers Crossing celebrates fifth anniversary on April 3

    Deborah Hand-Cutler, Fiddlers Crossing|Mar 28, 2015

    First Friday, April 3, will be a special celebration at Fiddlers Crossing, starting at 7 p.m. A host of local musicians will be on hand to help mark the fifth anniversary for the popular venue. Fiddlers Crossing first opened on Saturday, April 17, 2010, with a performance by local band Geezers on the Loose. The establishment opened as “a work in progress” in what had been the Art Center. According to co-founder Peter Cutler, “We threw a venue together with whatever we had lying around, slapped some ugly paint on the walls and some even uglie...

  • Graduation day for unwanted dogs

    Mar 28, 2015

    Have a Heart Humane Society is proud to announce that two of our dogs have graduated from training classes at Thunder Paws Dog Training. Rudy is one of the “Magnificent 7” dogs, they were dumped in an equipment yard on South St. early in the spring 2014. Rudy, his mom, brother and four sisters, were rescued by Have a Heart volunteers and several local pet lovers who responded to a Facebook post about the dogs. Rudy’s foster mom, Chelley Kitzmiller, enrolled Rudy in Thunder Paws agility classes along with his brother Zeke. Both dogs showe...

  • Get that lawn started right!

    Liz Block, Water Conservation Coordinator, Tehachapi-Cummings Co Water Dis|Mar 28, 2015

    Got a lawn? Its spring and we’re starting into what I call “the irrigation season.” But this won’t be an ordinary irrigation season and this year is not an ordinary year as we continue to face “The Drought that Ate California!” The State Water Resources Control Board just recently passed Phase 2 of the Emergency Water Conservation Regulation and it now requires water agencies to limit the number of days per week that customers can irrigate landscapes. Love your lawn? Ok, calm down and take a deep breath. The good news is, two days per week is...

  • My friend, Winnedumah

    Pat Gracey|Mar 28, 2015

    A friend of mine is a hiker. She is not the type one meets at the Post Office where you see young people, mostly men, with staffs and back packs. She lives locally and is a hiker. My friend, the hiker, is very familiar with the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. Many of the peaks on that range have altitudes of thirteen to fourteen thousand feet. My friend has seen the Owens Valley from the top of Mt. Whitney, the tallest mountain in the continental United States. She’s been there – imagine! In a m...

  • Things you can do to help prepare for – and win – a disability case

    Diana Wade, Disability Advocate|Mar 28, 2015

    1. Tell all your doctors about all your symptoms. If you have depression and you go to your primary doctor or a referral to a specialist, fill out a health questionnaire, and check “NO, you do not have any mental health problems”, it makes you look less believable. 2. Tell all your doctors about all your symptoms. Social Security disability is a system based on medical problems and how these medical problems affect your ability to work – full time. This means that Social Security puts a lot o...

  • So, what's in a name? The true story of the Apple Shed

    Mano Lujan|Mar 28, 2015

    My name is Mano Lujan and on January 1, 2015 my wife Meimei, and I purchased the business formerly known as The Apple Shed. In doing so, one of the first things that we did was to legally change the name to The Shed. To tell you the truth, much thought went into this and the decision was not easy. I consulted everyone from my attorney, to friends in the industry, to marketing people. After hearing me out, the mass majority of them agreed that the name should be changed, and changed quickly. But, how do you just up and change the name of a...

  • Disclosure and use of your tax return information

    Moats & Hebebrand CPAs|Mar 28, 2015

    Federal law requires your tax preparer to obtain your consent before we use or disclose your “tax return information”. Tax return information is all the information we obtain from you or other sources in any form or manner that is used to prepare your income tax return, or that is obtained in connection with the preparation of your return. It also includes: (1) All computations, worksheets and printouts your tax preparer creates. (2) Correspondence from the Internal Revenue Service or Franchise Tax Board regarding the preparation, filing and co...

  • Old newspapers

    Mayor Susan Wiggins, Mayor|Mar 28, 2015

    Digging around in my brother Bill Deaver’s cupboards in his garage, I found some more of my mother Marion Deaver’s “stuff”. In one box was a 1960 copy of the Mojave Desert News, then owned by Bill and Milt Smith. I always enjoy looking through these old publications, because they were so “folksy.” Today’s news on the Internet has hard news, usually bad, gossip of famous people, or trash. Often print media includes local sports, weddings, and hard news about the local area – and sometimes attempts to “stir the pot” about local government. The 19...

  • They search so others can live

    Kathleen Kline|Mar 28, 2015

    The Tehachapi mountains hold many paths for recreation and fun, but sometimes the fun goes wrong. People get separated while hiking; take a fall while out enjoying the mountains; and then there are times some folks, old and young alike, wander off from their homes. Others go out hang-gliding by themselves, or a plane goes down, and the Kern County Sheriff’s department needs help finding these folks. This is where the Tehachapi Mountains Search and Rescue unit comes in and helps their community members. The TMSAR is an all-volunteer unit of civi...

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