Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide
Sorted by date Results 51 - 75 of 372
Humans tend to rely most heavily on our sense of vision to navigate and experience our surroundings, assisted by our hearing. But another powerful ability is our sense of smell, and this olfactory perception can connect to some of our strongest, most primal likes, dislikes and memories. A scent that matches ones in our memory can transport us to a place and time in our mind instantly, or evoke an association that seems elemental to our being. The smell of a cut pumpkin can immediately summon tho...
The City of Tehachapi has partnered up with Kern Transit to provide a curb-to-curb transit service for Tehachapi and Golden Hills residents. Volunteers are needed in the Tehachapi area to test the Mobility by Ecolane app for Dial-A-Ride services. All participants in the test-phase of the app will receive a complimentary 31-day pass for Dial-A-Ride services in exchange for feedback on the app’s performance. The new app will give users the ability to book and cancel their Kern Transit Dial-A-Ride trip from their mobile device. Contact Kern T...
At their regular board meeting on Aug. 16, the Tehachapi-Cummings County Water District moved to file their official response to the Kern County Grand Jury report released about them on June 1. The board presented their draft and voted it in unanimously with little discussion. The City of Tehachapi and Golden Hills filed their joint response to that same report at the beginning of this month, doubling down on their criticism of TCCWD’s operating practices. The joint entities believe TCCWD board members are using their position on the board t...
You know, after arriving here from Ireland some 7 months ago I didn't know what to expect. Ireland, as you're no doubt aware, is called the Emerald Isle because the land stays green year-round. Sure, the weather can get a tad tiresome with the misty rain and fog, but it's never very cold. However, I must say that my first winter here was a very cold one. And it's not just me being a wuss, as I heard the same thing from other horses, as well. I had to grow out my coat a bit more to stay warm. As...
On Aug. 3, officers with the Tehachapi Police Department were made aware of a subject, later identified as 55-year-old Tehachapi resident Robert Kovach who was making threats to bomb the Tehachapi Police station. Investigators worked diligently to obtain an arrest warrant and a search warrant for Kovach's residence. Officers were able to take Kovach into custody during a traffic stop, which a subsequent search of his vehicle revealed it contained approximately one pound of an explosive...
Please join us for our next Audubon meeting Tuesday, Aug. 29 at 7 p.m. We meet in the Golden Hills Elementary School cafeteria, 20215 Park Rd., Tehachapi. Refreshments and a raffle are an added bonus. Erika Noel is a senior biologist with McCormick Biological, Inc., a consulting firm stationed in Bakersfield, California, where she coordinates, conducts and supervises field surveys and monitoring activities for several infrastructure improvement projects. Noel has extended experience focusing on...
On June 1, The Kern County Grand Jury published a report on the Tehachapi-Cummings County Water District regarding their State Water Project allocation practices. Water in municipal and industrial areas, which are governed by the City of Tehachapi and Golden Hills, comes from a combination of groundwater and State Water Project (SWP) contracts with TCCWD. Allocation of SWP from the state is volatile year-to-year depending on drought conditions, however concerns have been raised as to how TCCWD is distributing allocated SWP. Despite the City...
Mt. Soledad, a mauve colored sentinel, whose pock marked sides show the effects of many years of gold mining, stands regally observing the great Mojave Desert; the site of gold discoveries encompassing the 19th and 20th centuries. The 4,190 foot purple giant stands southwest of the small community of Mojave. The discovery of millions of dollars of precious metal ore in the Mojave Desert area was due to the efforts of the persevering hard rock miner, the chronic prospector, the ambitious fortune...
The Rotary Club of Tehachapi attained Peacebuilding Club status this past year through local projects to combat hunger, contributing to the eradication of polio, encourage literacy, etc. Peacebuilding is not just about the absence of violence or conflict. Peacebuilding is the process of encouraging people to talk to each other, to make an effort to understand each other, repair relationships and reform institutions. We as a society need to remove the conditions that are inhibitors to peace, such...
So far this year, we have published articles on pest control, as well as pre and post-emergent herbicides. Today will be a little more general. As I head down streets in Tehachapi and Golden Hills, I see work that needs to be done in the yards. Either dead trees or shrubs, trimming, bug problems, trash, etc. This would be a good year to get that yard in shape like it used to be, and it's always nice to have something new to look at! Consider planting perennials such as Asiatic Lilies (blooming...
On July 1, the Golden Hills Community Services District will have a new General Manager. Assistant General Manager Christopher Carlson will be stepping into the position after the retirement of Susan Wells who had been in the position for the last five years. On May 23, Wells received a Certificate of Recognition from Tehachapi Valley Recreation and Park District Manager Corey Torres honoring her years of service and cooperation with TVRPD....
Merrily Elizabeth Flanagan passed away on Thursday, May 25 surrounded by her loving family. Merrily was born Mary Elizabeth Milano to Rosetta and Michael Milano in Brooklyn, New York on May 17, 1944, while her father fought overseas in World War II. Merrily's childhood in post-war Hyde Park, New York, "Roosevelt Country," was filled with theater, student clubs, movie star magazines, chocolate bars and time with her beloved grandmother, artist Ria Barba. Her nonny imparted to her a love of art...
Tehachapi Valley Recreation & Park District reported that this year's Fishing Derby, held May 20 at Brite Lake, brought in 579 registered anglers. This is the largest turnout ever recorded for the event. Three of the fishermen caught fish tagged at $1,000. John Casselman caught the fish sponsored by Monument Insurance, Josh Mayes caught the fish sponsored by BHE Renewables, and Nicole Liere caught the fish sponsored by Golden Hills IT....
While the students of the Tehachapi Unified School District are enjoying their summer vacation, there is no rest for the district. Projects are scheduled to begin at each of the schools to make them ready for the student's return in August. District Chief Administrator of Business Services Hojat Entezari outlined the long list of summer projects for the TUSD Board at their May 9 meeting. Entezari said at the top of the list will be field maintenance at Coy Burnett Stadium. A major project...
Arriving in Tehachapi in mid-December for his duties as pastor of Saint Malachy Catholic Church, Father Gregory Beaumont was greeted by snow and frigid temperatures from winter weather but with a "warm" welcome from parishioners. Father Beaumont comes to Tehachapi from Holy Family Church in Kingsburg, California where he served its members for 17 years as their pastor. A true Californian (having come to the "Golden State" as a babe in arms), he grew up in the beautiful San Fernando Valley with...
Susan Bishop grew up in the foothill town of Springville, California. She lived on the family cattle ranch and roamed the golden hills, shaded by the Oaks trees and rested by the cool Tule River. In the summer, her family operated the Balch Park Pack Station for generations. These formative years greatly affected her subject matter, expressed in acrylic paintings of the land she loves. Susan loves to paint, especially for her clients, depicting a favorite duck hunting scene, serene pastor...
At the monthly TUSD School Board meeting on May 9, Superintendent Stacie Larson-Everson announced the 2023 Certificated Teachers of the Year and Classified Employees of the Year. The awards were presented by the principal of each individual school. They are as follows: Cummings Valley School Elizabeth Gray: Teacher of the Year Stephanie Harris: Classified Employee of the Year Golden Hills Elementary Melanie Kent: Teacher of the Year Sarah Carey: Classified Employee of the Year Tompkins...
At their April 20 meeting, the Golden Hills CSD approved a new rate structure for the delivery of water to the community. Prior to the vote, a public hearing was held, giving residents a chance to protest the increase. Chairman John Buckley said the CSD analyzes the water rate structure every five years and must take into consideration the increased cost of delivering the water to consumers, as well as the additional cost of purchasing water from the Tehachapi Cummings Community Water District...
Our next quarterly meeting will be on Tuesday, April 25 at 7 p.m. at Golden Hills Elementary School cafeteria, 20215 Park Rd. Karen Pestana will present Tehachapi Audubon's on-going, 23-year western bluebird nest box program including instructions on how to become a citizen science nest box monitor and set up a nest box in your yard. Her talk will included a 10-minute nest-cam video that captures western bluebirds in the nest box, from laying eggs to young birds fledging. Secondly, she will...
A letter received by the City of Tehachapi was brought before the City Council at their March 20 meeting. Sue Page of Tehachapi wrote to complain about the length of time it took for fire crews to respond to a house fire at 520 E. D St. Page said the fire was reported about 8:15 p.m. on March 8 and although the fire station was less than a mile from the fire, trucks did not appear until about 30 minutes later and it was Keene (Station 11) that responded. Station 12 on Curry and Valley Blvd., as...
At their December 2022 meeting, the Tehachapi Unified School District Board of Trustees voted unanimously to form a Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC) for the purpose of creating a space where local representatives could meet monthly and provide input on District facilities. This advisory committee would be able to make recommendations, but they would not be binding to either the School Board or the Superintendent. The Committee would be made up of 13 seats. Each school including TILA would hav...
One always wonders how mountains get their names. As a child we called Black Mountain the "Indian Head." Black Mountain looks like a sleeping Indian. Some people cannot see it but most can. Still, I never knew it was called Black Mountain until my husband I moved the family here to my hometown, after he retired from his 30 years in the Marine Corps. We bought a home in Golden Hills and from our living room window we could see that sleepy Indian. That was when I realized that at twilight time...
While outlying areas of Tehachapi, such as Stallion Springs, have had the luxury of the high speed internet supplied by Race Communications for some time, the very first installation within the city of Tehachapi occurred on the morning of Feb. 16. The lucky recipients of the first installation were Bradly and Marlene Craighead, who recently moved to Tehachapi from San Diego. The entire Race team showed up for the initial installation, including Director of Sales and Marketing Jim Miller, Marketi...
At the February meeting of the TUSD School Board, Sergeant Justin Ruppert from the Tehachapi Police Department presented the Board with a video presentation of the LifeSpot Prepare Protect Defend Phone app which would be used in case of an active shooter or other emergency incident at any of the schools in the district. In case of an active event, a touch of the app would alert all staff, responding and commanding officers, 911, the fire department and EMS. It will give all responders the...
Tehachapi's weekly Farmer's Market is always a fun activity in the summers around here, and I love going to see all the produce and craft booths. Our market usually runs from May or June through August or September, in the late afternoon and early evening. Other cities have farmer's markets that run year-round at different times. Bakersfield is one of those cities and actually, they offer a couple of different markets. My friend Leila and I decided to check out the Hagen Oaks Farmer's Market a...