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Local News / Business

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  • Lions honor January Students of the Month

    Suzanne Williams|Feb 3, 2018

    The Tehachapi Lions Club was pleased to honor two outstanding young men during their Student of the Month dinner meeting on Jan. 18. Brock Moore was selected by the staff at Monroe High School. Brock recently enrolled at Monroe High School for his senior year. He has experienced a rather rough road lately in his life, however, he is very focused and is working diligently towards receiving his high school diploma at Monroe. He is a very polite and respectful young man. He is determined to turn hi...

  • Our Airport

    Greg Garrett, Tehachapi City Manager|Jan 20, 2018

    I've said it before many times, but it's worth repeating: The City is a collection of businesses whose services are designed to enhance the quality of life for Tehachapi residents. Some of our businesses like the water and wastewater departments, directly affect every City resident. Others, like Development Services, often have less of a direct-effect, but still impact the quality of life for all. One of our most-unique businesses, one that has the potential to affect nearly everyone but often g...

  • Council Member Phil Smith to receive Lifetime Achievement Award

    Jan 20, 2018

    Tehachapi City Council Member Phil Smith has been named recipient of the Ronald E. Brummet Regional Award of Merit for Lifetime Achievement by the Kern Council of Governments. Smith, who has served continuously on the Tehachapi City Council since 1986, has been actively involved with both local and Kern COG's regional transportation efforts. Having been elected Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tem seven times during his tenure with the Tehachapi City Council, Smith has helped facilitate several projects that...

  • Tehachapi's Freedom Plaza earns Statewide recognition

    Jan 20, 2018

    Tehachapi's Freedom Plaza and Visitor Center, already recipient of three regional awards by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Council for Engineering Companies, will now be recognized with another award at the State level. Freedom Plaza has earned the distinction of 'Small Project of the Year' for ASCE's Region 9 which covers the State of California. With the ASCE Region 9 award, Freedom Plaza is now in consideration for 'Best Small Project' for the entire national...

  • City Council approves Smart 911

    Pat Doody|Jan 20, 2018

    Due to a scheduling conflict, the Jan. 16 City Council Meeting took place in the Community Room of the Tehachapi Police Department. Police Chief Kent Kroeger presented the Council with a Memorandum of Understanding between TPD and Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Services for the implementation of a 911 Special Needs Registry. The county launched the new service last week. Kroeger said that first-responders often have only information gathered at the time of a 911 call. For example, those...

  • AAUW learns about Grand Jury

    Phyllis Belcher|Jan 20, 2018

    The responsibilities and procedures of the Kern County Grand Jury were explained to American Association of University Women at their recent monthly meeting. Renn Amstead, foreperson, and Michael McNatt, juror, called the Grand Jury the "community watch dog." They inspect and report on special districts, operators of jails, and other entities whose procedures may be questioned. They make sure tax money is not being squandered. They endeavor to keep people accountable for their actions. Jurors...

  • 2017 Tax items you need to be aware of!

    D. David Hebebrand CPA, Moats & Hebebrand CPAs|Jan 6, 2018

    Health Insurance Some of you will receive a Form 1095 (do not throw this away, we will need the information to prepare your 2017 federal tax return). If you have not received a Form 1095, we are required to ask you several questions about your health care coverage to help you avoid penalties and comply with the federal requirements. If you received a reduction in your health insurance premiums based on information you furnished Covered California, the IRS will match your income and household...

  • Reflecting on 2017

    Zack Scrivner, Kern County Supervisor|Jan 6, 2018

    Dear Friends, As your elected representative on the Kern County Board of Supervisors, I work to honestly and efficiently manage your tax dollars to provide the services you expect and deserve, and improve your neighborhood and quality of life. In 2017, I was honored to serve as Chairman for the Kern County Board of Supervisors. This year presented many challenges, but the county has achieved success in many areas and continued our focus on achieving fiscal stability. In managing the county...

  • Positive projections for 2018

    Greg Garrett, Tehachapi City Manager|Jan 6, 2018

    Welcome to 2018, a year of remarkable potential and, dare I say, a historic year for our community on the business and commerce front. 2018 will include a major shift in our local retail with the addition of Walmart. As construction crews break ground and go to work on this long-awaited project, the opportunities for jobs, local tax revenues, improved infrastructure and accompanying new businesses will be unprecedented. It is another step in the responsible growth that our City has been...

  • Jack-of-one-trade websites

    Greg Cunningham|Dec 23, 2017

    These websites do one thing and do it well. You won't need them every day, but when you do, they can really save the day. GIPHY GIFs are those short video animations you see on the internet, GIPHY (giphy.com/create/gifmaker) will let you make GIF file from an online video or a file on your hard drive. Once you've made your file, you can save it to disk or share it. How fast is your internet? The speed of your internet connection determines how fast pages load in your browser and also how long...

  • BeeKay Theatre, a Tehachapi gem

    Greg Garrett, Tehachapi City Manager|Dec 23, 2017

    If you haven't had the chance to experience the Tehachapi Community Theatre at the historic BeeKay Theatre Downtown, I would encourage you to make it a priority in the coming year. I took the opportunity to accompany family to 'The Best Christmas Pageant Ever' during its final weekend and needless to say, I was impressed. The production was cast almost entirely with our local children, telling the story about troubled kids initially using the concept of a Christmas pageant as a chance to hang ou...

  • Planning commission approves plans for new mini-storage

    Pat Doody|Dec 23, 2017

    Plans for A-1 Self Storage Tehachapi were approved by the Tehachapi Planning Commission on Dec. 11 and will soon come before the City Council for final approval. The new facility will be located at 101 Industrial Parkway just east of Tractor Supply. Owner Joel Hecht of Carlsbad, Calif. submitted plans for the 102,814 square foot mini storage project with an additional 985 square foot office building. The storage space will be divided into 13 buildings with storage units ranging in size from...

  • Employee safety milestone reached

    Dec 23, 2017

    The City of Tehachapi for the first time recorded an injury free year for its workforce. "We have special people who are committed to working for the city and making it a great place to live and work. Tyler Napier has worked very hard in coordinating our safety training programs," said City Manager Greg Garrett. The City of Tehachapi employs a total of 76 people including 69 full time, seven part-time, and six who are elected. The city is made up of several departments including Police, Public...

  • Special Ed problems addressed

    Pat Doody|Dec 23, 2017

    After being forced to cancel their regular Dec. 12 meeting due to lack of a quorum, the Tehachapi Unified School District finally met on Dec. 19 to elect 2018 officers as well as conduct their regular board meeting. In a 4-2 vote, Leonard Evansic and Jeff Kermode will remain as President and Vice President of the Board. The two dissenting votes came from Trustees Joe Wallek and Dean Marham. The remaining officers were unanimously approved; Carrie Austin as Board Clerk, Jeff Kermode as...

  • Massage Parlor ordinance

    Zack Scrivner, Kern County Supervisor|Dec 9, 2017

    The Kern County Board of Supervisors receives feedback and responds to concerns raised by Kern County residents on a regular basis. We take our community's concerns very seriously, and evaluate the best actions to take on each issue presented to us. Earlier this year, our Board was presented with an issue from a local business owner regarding a massage facility adjacent to her business and suspected prostitution taking place. She asked us to look into the matter as she felt strongly that this wa...

  • Tehachapi Downtown better than ever

    Greg Garrett, Tehachapi City Manager|Dec 9, 2017

    As we enjoy the holiday shopping season, I hope you're taking notice of our local 'Buy 1' initiative. It's a challenge of sorts from the City to our citizens to make the effort to purchase at least one gift this year from a local small business. We understand that buying every gift here locally might not be possible, but our economic development team feels like one gift is reasonable. Honestly, after discovering everything our local shops have to offer, you'll most-likely be able to find...

  • Changes in the works for TVRPD

    Pat Doody|Dec 9, 2017

    When the TVRPD Board met on Nov. 28, they welcomed their new member Wes Backes who had been appointed by the city on Nov. 18. Backes and his family have been in Tehachapi for many years. He graduated from Tehachapi High School where he played football for Coach Denman. He is now a member of the Tehachapi Fire Department and stationed at the Valley and Curry station. The Board voted unanimously to take over the Tehachapi Gran Fondo from the City. The matter was due to come before the City...

  • Cooperation

    Greg Garrett, Tehachapi City Manager|Nov 25, 2017

    Mayor Ed Grimes handed me a treasure one day, it was a small textbook printed in 1928 from the High School Home Studies Bureau entitled "The Blue Book of Civics". It sits as a display piece in my office, an antiquity, but a useful one at that. Much of what was written and taught in 1928 still surprisingly applies today, nothing more so than the first chapter on the first page that answers the basic question, "What is a Community?" The answer from the book: "A community is a group of people who...

  • Deducting startup costs

    Jay Thompson|Nov 11, 2017

    Today, there are over 50 million small business owners in America. With the advent of new companies such as Uber and Airbnb, having your own business seems easier than ever. New business start-ups are exploding whether the plan is to go full-time or just to have a little something on the side to make some extra cash. This phenomenon is reshaping the American economy creating more and more self-employed entrepreneurs. It is easy to start a new business, and you want to make sure you don't overloo...

  • Beehive removal on F Street

    Nov 11, 2017

    Public Works crews worked alongside a beekeeper and tree trimmer on Wednesday Nov. 1, 2017 for the safe removal of a beehive on F Street. "It was a good environmentally friendly way to deal with this type of issue. We were able to save the bees and restore safety for the public," said Ryan Montgomery Public Works Director. The beehive was found to be deep inside a rotting tree on F Street in downtown. The initial attempt to encourage the bees to move into a bee box mounted on the tree was...

  • Lions collecting for Christmas for Seniors Project

    Suzanne Williams|Nov 11, 2017

    The Tehachapi Lions Club is holding its Christmas for Seniors service project to brighten the holidays for low-income, isolated and or homebound seniors who have no family. Donations can be dropped off at The Loop, 206 S. Green St., or the Greater Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce, 209 E. Tehachapi Blvd., any time through Dec. 1. The "12 Items of Christmas" that are most needed include: two-ply toilet paper, dryer fabric softener sheets, shaving cream, hand and body wash, shampoo, conditioner and...

  • Lions Students of the Month

    Suzanne Williams|Nov 11, 2017

    The Tehachapi Lions Club is pleased to announce their November Student-of-the-Month recipients. The staff at Jacobsen Middle School noticed that sixth grader Tabitha Campbell has been trying her best since she came to the Sixth Grade Center. Her effort and dedication to doing the best she can is paying off as she began the school year with four A's and one B. The staff at JMS congratulates Tabitha and encourages her to keep up her efforts. Senior Alex Lowery was selected by the staff at Monroe...

  • Staying on track with your retirement investments – Part 1

    Jennifer Williams, President J Williams Personal Financial Planning|Nov 11, 2017

    Investing for your retirement isn't about getting rich quick. More often, it's about having a game plan that you can live with over a long time. You wouldn't expect to be able to play the piano without learning the basics and practicing. Investing for your retirement over the long term also takes a little knowledge and discipline. Though there can be no guarantee that any investment strategy will be successful and all investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal, there are...

  • City Employees reach milestones

    Nov 11, 2017

    On Tuesday, Oct. 24 the City of Tehachapi recognized employees for reaching milestone markers for their years of service to the city. "We are so lucky to have dedicated people in our organization. The city would not function at the high level it does without staff who care about our community as much as they do," said City Manager Greg Garrett. Leading the way with 33 years of service is Perrin Cowan who works in our Public Works Department. Dale Hamon and Christie Copus were each recognized...

  • Tehachapi student advances in Lions International Peace Poster contest

    Nov 11, 2017

    Sage Scott, an eighth grade student at Jacobsen Middle School, has taken the first step to becoming an internationally recognized artist by winning a local competition sponsored by the Tehachapi Lions Club. Scott's poster was among more than 600,000 entries submitted worldwide in the 30th annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest. Lions Clubs International is sponsoring the contest to emphasize the importance of world peace to young people everywhere. "It is my hope that my drawing, Love...

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