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TVRPD Announces New Child Enrichment Program for 2014!

The Tehachapi Valley Recreation and Park District is excited to announce a new child enrichment program for residents of the Greater Tehachapi Area. “Tehachapi Tots” is an enrichment, preschool program operated by the Tehachapi Valley Recreation and Park District, and will replace the former Terrific Tots program.

The Program with its philosophy “to present to children activities that will foster their growth and development, encourage their curiosity, expand their interest, and help them recognize all of their potential,” will serve children 18 months through 5 years of age, and offered as both Parent and Me (18 months to 3 years of age) and the Tots Enrichment (3 to 5 years of age).

Parent an Me classes are designed to involve children and their parents in movement, music, storytelling, and circle time and to prepare children for The Tots Enrichment program, a well-balanced enrichment program that includes exposure to pre-phonics, math, concepts, science, dramatics, motor movement, arts and crafts, and music aimed to enhance social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development. Activities include supervised play, signing, games, story-time, discussion of themes, special events, physical activity, field trips, and much more!

The new 2014 Tots curriculum is complimented by new instructors Megan Turk and Kellie Gilbert. Educator and mother of two young daughters, Megan Turk, will instruct the Parent and Me program. Megan, who received her Bachelor Degree from the University of Wisconsin states, “I am most excited about all of the growing that can happen at Parent and Me, including the parents, the children and most of all, myself.”

Additionally, Kellie Gilbert, the new Tots Enrichment instructor and mother of two daughters, including brand new baby girl Riley, received her bachelor degree from Cal State Long Beach in Arts Education. Kellie who has taught art and English to Seventh and Eighth graders stated, “What excites me most about being the Tots teacher is being around the kids. My passion is to teach children, it’s very rewarding. The highlight of my day at work is when I see a child’s eyes light up when they learn or try something new,” Kellie stated.

TVRPD District Manager Matt Young stated, “TVRPD is extremely excited to welcome Instructors Megan Turk and Kelli Gilbert to the TVRPD team. Both Megan and Kellie with their education and teaching experience are exceptional resources to our community in terms of early childhood development and wellness.

TVRPD is proud to offer this cost effective program and life-long learning experiences to all of Tehachapi. We are moving towards offering exciting, trending recreational and education experiences rarely witnessed in small communities.”

Enrollment is open to the public, and children are admitted to the program without regard to race, color, creed, or sex. The program is offered August through May. Program costs are $35 per moth plus a one time craft fee for Parent and Me, and $75 per month plus a one time craft fee for Tots Enrichment. An additional Out Of District fee is required for residents of Bear Valley and Stallion Springs.

For more information about the Tehachapi Tots program, visit http://www.tvrpd.org or contact LeAnn Williams, Recreation Supervisor at 661-822-3228.

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