Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Tehachapi Hospital Guild 2013 Report

Thank you for allowing me to be your president these past two years. I would like to thanks all of you for the many hours you volunteered, whether it was at the hospital, blood pressure clinic or thrift shop. Our sales greatly exceeded last year as 2013 was an exceptional year.

In January the new officers were installed. They were President, Beth Ann Bowman; Vice President Marge Wyatt; Treasurer Eve Geisler; Board Secretary Ellen Brown (replaced by Cathy Moats in May); Membership secretary Phyllis Caryll, and Corresponding Secretary Lil Winter.

On March 28, 2013 a ground-breaking ceremony was held on the new hospital grounds. What an exciting event. CEO Alan Burgess commended the Guild for all the help they have been in purchasing needed equipment for the hospital.

On May 20 the Hospital hosted a luncheon for all of our volunteers. The ladies were given beautiful broaches and the men belt buckles.

In August, the Guild presented the hospital with a check for $94,762 for four trans-motion gurneys and a Stryker Radiofrequency Ablation Machine.

Our Holiday Bazaar was once again held at the Moose Lodge on Nov. 2. A Big thanks to Kaelene Swanson, Jean Lantz and all the workers that helped make it a success.

On Dec. 9 our annual Christmas party was held. We had 22 ladies that braved the ice and snow. We had a delicious pot luck luncheon and collected toys to be donated to the Salvation Army.

Our election of officers for 2014 was held. Incoming officers will be installed at the January Membership meeting. New officers are: President Kandi Smith; Vice President Cathy Moats; Treasurer Eve Geisler; Board Secretary Jeanetta Cowden; Membership Secretary Phyllis Caryll, and Cooresponding Secretary Lil Winter.

Many thanks again for all your hard work.

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