Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide


From the Pastor's Desk

Each spring, the season of Lent encourages people to grow closer to God. Some people choose to fast, or give something up. It is also appropriate to increase some practice, like meditation or time in prayer.

This year, our church will offer a program to increase kindness in our community: a kindness challenge.

Will acts of kindness make any difference?

Will we feel anything from it?

Sadly, we see the devastating impact of random acts of violence, but random acts of kindness can easily go unnoticed. Yet, we do not know how one simple act of kindness may have prevented great violence or pain.

Take the challenge. Draw closer to the divine source of love, by practicing unearned kindnesses, and sharing your experiences with others at our weekly 5:30 Friday Soup Supper gatherings.

Lent and the challenge begins on March 5, with our Ash Wednesday Taize Service at 12:10 p.m.

Each Friday until April 18 we will gather in the evenings. On first Fridays, our program will be festive with bread and butter making in March, and native plant and worm adoption in April. The remaining Fridays we will gather to eat and check-in about our kindness practice, as well as hear from community leaders about community needs, and engage with music and activities for all ages.

May you feel the Creator close at hand, ceaselessly providing kindnesses to you.


Pastor Nancy

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