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Art in Everything 'I See'

BVS Artist Spotlight

A touch of art and whimsy in most everything she does is how best to describe the life of Bear Valley Springs photo artist Leslie Vo Villa. From ink stamping her initials on eggs freshly laid by her hens, watercolor painting, flower gardening, growing vegetables "to become dinner for the deer," and now into the world of photography.

An avid artist all her life, The Loop recently visited Leslie in her studio at her hilltop home in the Bear Valley Springs community:

Q: "I see you have eggs of many different colors as you sit and stamp your initials on each of your day old eggs."

A: "Well yes, it seems I cannot do even the simplest task without some form of art going in to it. I even have carefully chosen four or five different breeds of hens to give me a variegated selection of egg colors to work from."

Q: "You earlier said you have nearly 44 hens. What do you do with so many eggs?"

A: "After I arrange them in some kind of color order in the flat I then stamp them and give them away to friends and neighbors."

Q: "For your latest undertaking into the world of photography, what camera gear do you currently work with?"

A: "I enjoy my Nikon D-80. I shoot with a selection of lenses from wide angle to telephoto. I enjoy getting out in the field and seeing what just might happen in front of me. The play of light, the unfolding composition by moving around an object gets my creative juices flowing. I just returned from taking photos of two million Tulips at the Michigan State Tulip Festival. I have also become an ardent Lighthouse fan along the Great Lakes region. Surprising but there are still over 100 such lighthouses waiting for a photographer's lens."

Q: "Any nearby locations that you can share with our readers for extended day trips or over the weekend photo adventures?"

A: "Oh my yes; absolutely our Central California coast area is a favorite. I enjoy shooting what I find, the way I find it. From Point Reyes south to Ventura are areas for a wide variety of subjects and light, talents and taste."

Q: "You donated a photograph printed on canvas to help raise funds for the April Bear Valley Springs Cultural Arts Association's Art Show and Fund Raiser, is this the first piece you have donated?"

A: "I have donated other pieces for various fund raisers. If I have a gift in the arts that someone else might enjoy, then I'm pleased and humbled. I like to share. I want to do far more art, but I still work in Bakersfield full time. I must do art on the fly as they say. My husband Matt and I travel a great deal, and photography fits this mold nicely as there is less equipment and mess to carry around then when I do watercolors."

Q: "In the world of historical photographers, do you favor any one artist?"

A: "I liked (Ansel) Adams' eye. He had a gift for seeing the beauty of the moment where ever he patiently waited to create a Photograph."

Thank you for your time and the fresh eggs Leslie, we look forward to seeing you and your fellow artists on display at the Whiting Center next month.

For additional information on the upcoming Bear Valley Springs Cultural Arts Association Art Show from April 12 to 20, contact member Tina Dille at [email protected].