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Emotion, in Motion

It’s A Dog’s Life

A great healing revolution is underway in the universe. Healing energy is available to every single one of us in abundance. All we must do to utilize its power is understand that it is there, and choose to tap into it.

There are mediums through which healing can be expedited, and catapult us to worlds more empowering and beautiful than any we’ve known. Specifically, I am referring here to the bond between Humans and Dogs. When connected by the common goal of health and balance, both can reach our inherent God-given greatness.

People who know and love dogs, and who have had dogs save them in one form or another (literally or metaphorically; physically or spiritually), understand that dogs’ energy has inherent healing potential within it. But that potential energy can only become kinetic energy, when we set our dogs in motion.

Dogs thrive on movement, and on work. They need sufficient outlets for their multitudes of energy. We (people) thrive on the same things, whether we realize we do or not. There is a misconception that ‘walking the dog’ is a rather mundane, even meaningless task. But overlooking the potential that lies subtly hidden in the leash, we miss out on the opportunity to tap into something profound, and highly productive on many levels.

The act is simple, yes. Meaningless? Hardly. Without the primal activity of the breath, enlightenment through meditation wouldn’t be possible. Much like without the simple act of walking our dogs, we cannot reach the expanded potential of the human-dog bond.

When we fulfill our dogs - heal them, save them them from the weight and boredom of immobility - our primal needs are fulfilled simultaneously. While it’s true that the simple act of walking can’t solve every problem, it is also true that even a few breaths of fresh air and a quick spin around the block can change our perspective for the better, and point us in the right direction: forward.

That said, imagine how powerful movement can be when done consciously, with the goal of healing in mind! In this regard, movement of our bodies can restructure the foundation of our minds and thoughts. Science has proven that our brains are malleable, and that our choices and actions actually contribute to its pliable formation over time. We also now know that exercising the body, forcing every organ in our bodies to do what they were divinely created to do, which is WORK, our brain chemistry changes, and we feel endorphin-motivated rushes of potent positivity. We get physically stronger, healthier, stocked with greater stores of good energy. Because of this, we are rightfully proud of ourselves, and are empowered by that feeling. Positivity and forward movement become our new, self-made, self-perpetuating reality.

When we pick up our dog’s leash and hit the sidewalk or trail, we make the choice to do something healthy, for both ourselves and our pets. We’ve taken the initiative to rise above that voice - master of excuses that it can be - inside our heads, that tells us to sit still.

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