Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Energy Issues Are Studied

Energy independence was the latest topic discussed by the Great Decisions group in which some members of American Association of University Women participate. The group meets monthly to discuss the various topics selected by the Foreign Policy Association. Members read and study prepared material, view a video, and consider questions posed by the FPA.

To gain more understanding of the energy topic, Porter Underwood was invited to share his knowledge of the oil business. He is a retired Industrial Engineer who has worked for several different oil companies during his career.

The group realized the topic of energy is quite complicated with divergent views about what is best for the world. They will exchange information and useful websites in the month to come. They will become more aware of the issues which energy production raises. The topic for next month is Israel and the U.S.

Anyone interested in AAUW membership may call Jan at (661) 823-9303. AAUW meets monthly on the second Wednesday and sometimes on Saturday.

Interest groups such as Great Decisions determine their separate days and times.