Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Oral Language Festival

Sighs! Laughter! Applause! All of these were heard throughout the evening in the Golden Hills Elementary cafeteria as 4th and 5th grade students competed at the District Oral Language Festival on Tuesday, Nov.18th.

Students from each elementary school site memorized literary works in one of five categories, which included Verse Choir, presented by groups of 4 to 6 students; Serious Duo; Humorous Duo; Serious Solo; and Humorous Solo. The students were coached by their classroom teachers and/or parents in order to perfect their interpretation prior to their school site competition. Winners from each school site were then invited to participate at the district competition.

The winners from Tuesday nights’ performances were:

Verse Choir: The Tortoise and the Jackrabbit by Susan Lowell was presented by Isabel Bachara, Priscila Hernandez, Maria Perez, and Erica Sanchez from Mr. Woods’ 5th grade class at Golden Hills Elementary.

Serious Duo: Sea Biscuit by Laura Hillenbrand was presented by Tess Loken and Kiahnoa Saucedo from Mr. Friedrich’s 5th grade class at Cummings Valley Elementary.

Humorous Duo: What Do You Do With a Kangaroo? by Mercer Mayor was presented by Maile Hernandez and Tyller Hensler fromMrs. Coward’s 5th grade class at Tompkins Elementary.

Serious Solo: Don’t Forget to Wait for Me by Heather McPherson was presented by Alaina Riggs from Mrs. Sherwood’s 5th grade class at Cummings Valley Elementary.

Humorous Solo: Thomas’ Snowsuit by Robert Munsch was presented by Melissa Archuletta from Mrs. Sokanoff’s 5th grade class at Golden Hills Elementary.

The district winners will be competing at the Regional Oral Language competition on Tuesday, Dec. 9th at the Beekay Theater. Regional winners will move on to the County competition being held in the month of January in Bakersfield.

Congratulations to all of the district winners and “break a leg” at the regionals!

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