Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

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Out 'n' About

Time to get out the boots, mittens, hats and warm coats. Winter in Tehachapi is just around the corner and with it comes the wonderful time of the year when everyone is shopping for the holidays. The best part is, shopping in Tehachapi can make the experience actually pleasurable. No big-box stores and no long and tedious lines. Park the car and off you go on a short jaunt, without the hassle of large parking complexes and huge malls to navigate. The local shops of Tehachapi provide the customer service we all wish for, and help complete holiday shopping needs without gas-guzzling trips down the mountain. Not to mention inclement weather possibilities.

An added benefit of shopping Tehachapi is many of the stores and shops carry hand crafted items and items made in America. It is disheartening to see vast majority of items seen on the shelves of most stores and shops are imported.

Support the local economy of Tehachapi, save the frustration and cost of shopping out of town, and enjoy a leisurely lunch during your shopping trip in one of the local eateries in Tehachapi.

Happy Holidays and enjoy the journey this year, right here in Tehachapi.

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