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Train of Thought
There was once a time when one of the most commonly asked for toys from Santa was the electric train set. Many older Christmas photographs depict some sort of train set up and running right there, under the tree on Christmas morning. To that end I humbly dedicate the following poem, and wish each and every one of you a wondrous and happy holiday season and a better year to follow.
Twas the morning of Christmas
And there under the tree
Was the train set I begged for
Just waiting for me
The loco had smoke
And a whistle to boot
The push of a button
Would sound a great toot
The headlight would pierce
Through the darkness of night
Even the caboose had its very own light
There were houses and buildings all along the track
My train would fly by me, go around then come back
There were stations and lights and signals galore
That all came to life with my face pressed to the floor
Oh! Thank You Oh! Thank You Dear Mr. Claus
I have one small complaint and this is because
My dad took the controls
The plan is just botched
He runs my train and all I do is watch
Please next year for Christmas, nothing for me
Get a train for my dad so he’ll leave my train set be