Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

What's up in Stallion Springs?

The Stallion Springs Board of Directors held a Special Board Meeting on Monday, February 2 related to a possible amendment to Resolution 2003-2 that required all utilities to dwellings or other structures to be underground. Edison previously allowed for service across streets to be overhead to a pole, then underground to the structure. Edison’s new policy and practice is that if any portion of the service is overhead the entire service must be overhead. If any portion of the service is underground then the entire service must be underground. The CSD Roads Department, Road Engineer, and Water Department expressed concern over disturbing our roads and waterlines, some of which are over 40 years old, with core drilling under the roads. Currently, there are approximately 10 homes under construction in Stallion Springs, some of which could be affected by this issue.

The Board voted to amend the regulation giving the District General Manager authority, on a case by case basis, to allow an alternative to underground if circumstances arise that are determined to make underground installation infeasible.

CERT and CSU Teams

Six members of the Stallion Springs CERT Team and Police Department Citizens Service Unit attended a Basic Terrorism Awareness and Fusion Center Outreach training at the Kern County Office of Emergency Services in Bakersfield on February 3. Hal Kempfer, CEO of Knowledge and Intelligence Program Professionals, presented the course on behalf of the Central California Intelligence Center. The course provided an overview of what terrorism is, what type of terrorism exists both foreign and domestic, and how to identify suspicious behavior. It also provided an overview of how Fusion Centers, multiple agency information sharing centers, operate.


CERT held its monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 4 at the CSD building. It was reported that the recent blood drive had a record 37 donors. The next blood drive is scheduled for March 14.

Sally Lawrence gave a presentation covering CERT Basic Training Unit 2, Fire Safety and Utility Controls. A complete CERT Class is scheduled for April 15 through 29. For additional information on the class call (661) 412-CERT. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 4 at the CERT building on the corner of Stallion Springs Drive and Bold Venture (it used to be the fire engine storage building). Fire extinguisher training will be one of the topics.

Property Owners Association

Friends of the Oaks (FOTO) spoke at the January 2015 Property Owners Association (POA) monthly meeting. The mission of FOTO is: Encouraging restoration and preservation of native oak trees through thoughtful practices from past to present, into the future.

The next POA general mMeeting will be held on Tuesday, February 24 at the Stallion Springs Library, along with a cake decorating contest with prizes, followed

by a fundraising cake auction.

Get Ready, Get Set, Get Wet

The Fifth Annual Chilly Dip is coming on March 14. Join the crowd and jump into that cool water. Participants will get a t-shirt and a hot “chili boat”. Cost is $12. Sign up at the CSD office by March 3. If you just can’t get up the courage to jump in the pool come by, buy a “chili boat”, and support our Parks and Recreation Department.

Sponsors are still needed. Your logo will be featured on the official t-shirt. Contact the CSD office for more information.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, Feb. 17, 6 p.m. CSD Board of Directors meeting in the CSD Board Room

Thursday, Feb. 19, 6.P.M. Neighborhood Watch - CSD Board Room.

Friday Feb.20, 6 p.m. Movie Night, “The Dolphins Tale 2”. Free. In the Corral Room.

Tuesday, Feb. 24, 6:30 p.m. POA Cake Decorating at the Library (old CSD building)

Wednesday, Mar. 4, 6:30 p.m. CERT Fire extinguisher training. New CERT Building

Friday, Mar. 6, 6 p.m. Movie Night, “Turbo”. Free. In the Corral Room

Saturday, Mar. 14, 11 a.m. Chilly Dip at the Community Center Pool.

Friday, Mar. 20, 6 p.m. Movie Night, “Guardians of the Galaxy”. Free. In Corral Room.

Saturday, Apr.11, 6 – 11 p.m. POA Dinner Dance in Corral Room.