Tehachapi Valley Art Association Youth Art Contest will be accepting submissions March 23-March 30..
Entry forms are available on-line now at http://www.galleryngifts.com. and at GalleryNGifts in downtown Tehachapi between 10 to 4 daily. One entry per child at a cost of $1 each.
Young Artist don’t miss this exciting event. First, second and third place ribbons will be awarded in each category as well as honorable mention. In addition, two “ Best in Show” awards are given, one for outstanding High School level and the other for outstanding Elementary School level. These two recipients will receive a ribbon and a monetary award.
A reception will be held for the young artist Saturday, April 4, from 11 to 2p.m. at GalleryNGifts
Works will be on display during the month of April.
For complete eligibility rules please see entry form. Questions call GalleryNGifts 661 822-6062.