Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Tehachapi Christian Store

The Tehachapi Christian Store will host a local Christian group from Tehachapi Nazarene Church for our April First Friday concert at 6 p.m. The group is called Men of Faith. They are an Evangelical Gospel West Coast Quartet with new sounds of Modern Contemporary and Southern Gospel style. They have been singing together for over a year now. Singers are Danny, Dale, Mike and Daniel. In their evangelical heritage, they always end their concerts with the invitational song, God So Loved the World. As always, the concert is free and refreshments will be served during intermission. Come and be blessed! The store is located at 108 E. Tehachapi Blvd., next to Gas ‘n Go.

Upcoming events include the One in Him band for May First Friday, and Dr. Bally will return on July 3 for First Friday.