Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

City water regulations in effect May 21

On April 20 the Tehachapi City Council approved a water conservation plan. On May 21 stage 2 of that plan will go into effect. Stage 2 regulations are mandatory with warnings delivered for first offenses. Fines can be expected for repeat offenders.

1. Irrigation of lawns, landscaping, foliage, gardens, flowerbeds and other outdoor areas shall be limited as follows: street addresses ending in odd numbers may only water on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; addresses ending in even numbers may water on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Irrigation of any type is prohibited on Sundays.

The only exception shall be areas irrigated with non‐potable water. Any single irrigation station may not run longer than ten minutes.

2. Outdoor irrigation of turf and ornamental landscaping shall be prohibited between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily.

3. Any and all observable leaks of water on a resident’s premises shall be repaired within twenty four hours of notification to customer.

4. No hosing down of non‐landscaped or hardscape area.

5. Construction water shall be prohibited during a Stage 2 alert condition.

6. The washing of boats, vehicles or mobile equipment shall only be allowed in car washes or by using a bucket and hose with an automatic shut off nozzle for rinsing.

7. The use of water in ornamental fountains and water features shall only be permitted if the water is recirculated.

8. The City Manager will have the right to reduce the amount of water used in irrigating any park site, greenbelt or open areas within the city limits.

9. No outdoor irrigation shall be permitted during and forty‐eight hours after a measurable rainfall event.

10. Restaurants and other food service establishments shall serve water to customers only on request.

11. Operators of hotels and motels shall provide guests with the option of choosing not to have towels and linens laundered daily and prominently display notice of the option.

12. Other restrictions may be deemed necessary by the City Manager or City Council.

Golden Hills Community Service District

Golden Hills Community Service District also voted to adopt Stage 2 conservation measures. As of press time the date of commencement has not been established. The plan is the same as the city with the following change:

1. Irrigation of lawns and other landscaping: street addresses ending in odd numbers may only water on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; addresses ending in even numbers may water on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Irrigation of any type will be prohibited on Mondays.

Free Irrigation Check-Up!

The Tehachapi Cummings Valley Water District wants to remind everyone that the above regulations are the maximun amounts of water a household may use. Using less water, of course, would be preferable.

The TCCWD is offering a free irrigation checkup. Someone will come to your home or business, tour your landscape with you, and teach you about your irrigation system. You learn how to make adjustments so you’re not watering the street or driveway. We will identify leaks and minor upgrades that improve how evenly the grass is watered. If repairs are needed, you can do them yourself, but if you decide to hire an irrigation company, you already know what needs to be fixed. You’ll learn how to set the timer.

You will also receive a seasonal watering schedule tailored to your irrigation system and landscape so you can water the right amount.

For an appointment, call Liz Block at (661) 822-5504.

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