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9th annual International Combat Hapkido (ICHF) seminar held in Tehachapi at TMAC

Tehachapi Martial Arts Center

On May 16, 2015 Tehachapi Martial Arts Center (TMAC) held their 9th Annual International Combat Hapkido (ICHF) seminar with special guest, Grandmaster (GM) John Pellegrini, founder of ICHF, International Combat Hapkdio Federation.

Over 50 students and instructors attended this event that went from 9 -3 p.m. Upon conclusion of the seminar, all participants were awarded a Certificate of Completion and, the following black belts were promoted to their respective dans: (from left to right) Ron Tucker (1st dan), Mark Oskay (2nd dan), Victoria Way (2nd dan), Frank Andrade (2nd dan), Maria Jadric (1st dan), Logan O'Dneal (1st dan) and Joe Torres (1st dan). Additionally, a Lifetime Achievement Award was granted to Grandmaster Ivan Jadric who is now an 8th dan in both International Combat Hapkdio Federation and the Independent TaeKwonDo Association.

The Jadric family has been in business, for a quarter of a century, at TMAC, located at 20418 Brian Way. Please call #661-823-0621 for more information about how you, or your loved ones, can learn practical self-defense today!