Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

School board update

At the October 27 meeting of the Tehachapi School Board, Superintendent Susan Andreas-Berval introduced Lori Raineri, President of Government Financial Strategies, a Sacramento company that has been engaged to establish a need assessment of the district's Facilities Master Plan. The plan which is dated December, 2014 itemizes all of the potential needs for each of the district's schools.

Ms. Raineri proposed a process for prioritizing the huge list of needs and finding the best way to meet those needs. A community committee would be formed during the next two months which will examine the list and make recomendations at a future time. Only the items agreed upon by 100% of the committee will be dealt with. The committee will then decide how best to meet these needs, whether by a bond measure or other financing.

Ideally, a committee of up to 100 community members will be formed during November and December. The plan is for the committee to meet for three hours once a week for four consecutive weeks in January. They will familiarize themselves with the existing facilities and the Master Plan, discuss school funding and funding sources, examine public information research and, finally, develop a consensus report to be presented to the school board in February with any recommendations for action. School principals will be asked to arrange tours of their schools for committee members.

The Board also voted to contract Godbe Research to conduct a random sample of registered voters to get a feel for their attitudes toward a possible bond issue or classroom needs. The company will then report back to the School Board and the community committee to assist them in the decision making process.

When asked about the urgency of timing for this committee, Ms. Raineri stated that if a ballot measure should be recommended, an even numbered year is preferred. 2016 will have two opportunities (June and November) to promote a measure and put it on the ballot.

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