Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Dig a square hole when planting

When planting a tree, shrub, perennial, bulb or bedding plant, always dig a square hole. (Everyone calls me a square when I tell them that!) Also, dig a hole about two feet deep or as deep as it takes to break through any decomposed granite (dg) or hard pan soil.

These days, a plant is almost always grown in a round pot. So if you plant it in a round hole, what will happen? Of course, it will grow in the direction of the roots. It is like putting the plant in a bigger round container where it can eventually become root bound in the hole. I can honestly say that I have never lost a tree that I have grown in a square hole and I think the roots are much happier. If you think about it, take the plant out of the container and gently massage the root ball. The roots are looking for some place to grow. In a square hole with mulch mixed evenly around, the roots will head toward a corner. Once they do, they break up clay or hard soil quickly and will grow much faster and be very grateful for a long happy life in the ground!

New this year in bareroot: Arkansas Black Apple, Honey Crisp Apple, Pink Lady Apple, 4 in 1 Apple, Reliance Peach, Belle of Georgia Peach, Autumn Rosa Plum, Ambrosia Pomegranate, Texas Mission Almond, Cooke's Giant Sweet Walnut, Jack Dwarf Flowering Pear, Beatrix Farrand Forsythia- flowers 1 1/2 to 2", Yankee Doodle Lilac, October Glory Maple, Olallie Blackberry, Autumn Bliss Raspberry, Fall Gold Raspberry, Draper Blueberry, and Boysenberry.

Here at Mountain Gardens' Nursery & Pet we have availability lists and planting instructions on request. The season is ending early this year so don't procrastinate!  Also, now is the time to spray dormant plants and apply preemergent herbicide for spring weed control!