Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Audubon's August Meeting: Kern River Preserve

Everyone is invited to the Tehachapi Audubon meeting on Tuesday, August 30, 2016, at 7 p.m. in the Golden Hills Elementary School Cafeteria, 20215 Park Road.

Guest speaker Reed Tollefson will present a multimedia program about the Audubon Society's 3,000-acre Kern River Preserve. Located on the South Fork of the Kern River, the preserve is one of California's finest remaining riparian forests. As a designated Globally Important Bird Area, it provides habitat for rare and endangered birds and other wildlife. Two hundred bird species nest there including major breeding populations of Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Summer Tanager, and Willow Flycatcher. Preserve Manager Reed Tollefson will explain efforts to protect the South Fork Kern River by coordinating with Audubon Chapters, partnering agencies and conservation groups. He will show how the Preserve is used as a focal point for regional conservation and stewardship issues including invasive weeds, alternative energy, climate change and wildlife corridors.

Mr. Tollefson has over 25 years of experience in wildlife habitat protection and restoration in the watershed of the South Fork Kern River. Before coming to California in 1987, he worked with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama comparing bird species diversity in secondary versus primary rain forest, and Arizona State University documenting diversity in riparian forests dominated by native versus non-native tree species. He is responsible for overseeing preserve operations and programs, fundraising, habitat revegetation, research contracts, fire response, grazing, and monitoring endangered species. Reed has a B.S. in wildlife management from Arizona State University.

Light refreshments and a raffle will follow the presentation. For additional information call 661-599-1889. Kern Audubon-Tehachapi is a satellite chapter of the Kern Audubon Society.

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