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Show off your baking skills

The Tehachapi Apple Festival is taking place on Saturday, Oct. 8 and Sunday, Oct. 9 in Downtown Tehachapi. If you are an excellent baker, love to make apple pie, feel that apple pie is one of your specialties, get compliments from your family and friends on your apple pie, then you should consider entering the Apple Festival Pie Baking Contest. You must submit an entry form which is available at http://www.tehachapiapplefestival.com (see the Bake Contest Tab) and the $10 fee asap. You can call Linda at (818) 519-7144 with questions.

Here are the rules to enter:

1.The Contest is open to anyone wishing to bake an Apple Pie.

2. Only 8 apple pies will be accepted with a $10 entry fee.

3. Only Double Crust Apple Pies will be accepted, no Crumbles, Crisps, Betty's or Pan Dowdy's allowed. The Official Tehachapi Apple Festival Apple Pie Contest judge's ruling as to eligibility will be final.

4. Two pies must be checked in at the Apple Festival Organizer's booth in Railroad Park by 12 p.m. on contest day (10/09/16). One pie is for tasting purposes and the second pie is to be auctioned for a non profit.  We will turn away latecomers.

5. No other fruits may be added (juices are ok).

6. Pies that need special handling, refrigeration or heating elements are not allowed.

7. The two finished pies must be made using the same ingredients and recipe and cannot contain raw/uncooked eggs (white or yokes). Egg must reach 160 degrees to be considered cooked. The Official Tehachapi Apple Festival Apple Pie Contest judge's ruling as to eligibility will be final.

8. We recommend that pies are baked in disposable pans only, as pans will not be returned.

9. Both Pies will be scored on overall Appearance and Crust, Filling and Flavor/Taste, although only one of the pies will be cut into for tasting.

10. First place winner will receive $50 cash and second place $25. 

11. Following judging, the second delivered pie will be auctioned off to benefit veterans Collaborative Services of Tehachapi.

Enter your pie now. You know you make the best!

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