Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Egg finders at work.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
"Find one of these and collect your prize" said Ashley Kremplin Ashley is helping golden egg finder Mackenzie White, choose her prize, a kite.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Pesky yellow dandelions fooled many an egg hunter.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Eggs were everywhere....5000 in all, ready for the finding.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
The Russell family with buckets and camera are ready to enjoy the egg hunting festivities.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
"Hey Mom" look at me with the Easter Bunny.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Family's arrived early and in large numbers to the newly remolded Meadowbrook Park for the annual Easter egg hunt event.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
After a one day weather delay TVRPD event coordinator Ashley Kremplin, proclaimed the day a "Huge success". Over 5000 colored Easter eggs laden with candy and plastic prizes were to be found. Golden colored eggs were intermixed and the finder of one got to choose a special prize. Ashley is setting up the prize table just before the start of the festivities.