Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Participants got together for the annual group photo.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Bark For Life event coordinator Barbra Villasenor (decked out in purple) greets arriving walkers at the sign in area.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
All dressed up and ready to participate are Saradian, Miya, and Herbie. They live with the Rokey family. These fine beauties went on that afternoon to win the coveted "Canine Best Dressed" competition.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Every year the cancer walk goes past the Tehachapi Hospital. Local senior live-in residents greet, meet, and enjoy a little canine cuddle time as the dogs walk by with their human companions.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count