Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Communicating in the year 2017

City of Tehachapi

Technology advances everyday making yesterday’s methods of doing business obsolete, or is it?

Communication is the key to successful relationships in both our personal and business lives. The way we communicate is constantly evolving as technology advances, and so does the way we talk or better said, communicate with each other.

We live in a world of text messages, direct messages, personal messages, and video chats when it wasn’t that long ago we actually talked to people face to face. Opinions and observations are now quickly shared over a text, tweet, or DM.

As I look over the communication options for the City of Tehachapi it is almost overwhelming to rattle off the different forms of social media and demographics that can be reached by each digital platform. With that being said, the City of Tehachapi is communicating through several digital platforms to share information on things happening and impacting the residents of our beautiful town.

We are posting videos and photos with information on events, projects, news, public safety items and many other things that occur in Tehachapi. You can find the City of Tehachapi on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Soundcloud, our website (www.TehachapiCityHall.com) and the old fashioned way, walking in the front door, picking up a telephone or emailing us.

Our goal is to reach our residents in the ways you communicate using today’s technology to get the word out. We will soon be “live streaming” our city council meetings and offering informational and educational webinars.

If you have any questions on our communications platforms please send me an email ([email protected]), DM on Twitter (@CityOfTehachapi), message in Facebook (City of Tehachapi), comment on Youtube (City Of Tehachapi), stop by city hall or just give me a call (822-2200x119) and share your thoughts on how we communicate with you.

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