Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Salvation Army Volunteer Appreciation Potluck

On Wednesday Oct. 11, the staff at the local Salvation Army held a Volunteer Appreciation Potluck to express our gratitude towards all of our wonderful helpers. With over 50 dedicated volunteers giving more than 500 hours of their personal time to serve at the Salvation Army each month, the community of Tehachapi is made a better place. It is only with these volunteers that The Salvation Army is able to serve the amount of people that we do in the ways that we do. So, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to all of those who not only come and give their time and energy each week, but also to the local businesses and organizations and private donors who extend help in any way that they can. It means the world to us! To join the team of these devoted workers, please contact the Salvation Army at (661) 823-9508.

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