Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide
"Wow these are fantastic, I'm not sure I want to do this now." "How are we supposed to pick just one? Can we have a tie?" "These are just too good," were among the murmurings overheard during the judging session at Gallery 'N' Gifts for this year's Photo Contest. Over 50 photographers joined the fun for the winter edition of the contest with 175 entries in seven different categories. It took quite a while, but the judges finally submitted their choices and you are invited to view the entries and see the results through the month of February. Our Summer "Take Your Best Shot" contest will be held in August, with submissions due the last week of July. Check http://www.galleryngifts.com after March 1st for contest rules and categories.
Best of Show:
Jessica Martin
"Princess in the Woods"
1st: Jessica Martin
2nd: Susan Burt
3rd: Terry Dickerson
HM: Gil Valencia and
Patty Cox
Black & White:
1st: Matthew Clark
2nd: Katherine Bowman
3rd: Gary Grela
Details & Macros:
1st: Matt Miller
2nd: Kiera Judkins
3rd: Jessica Martin
HM: Nancy Wilkinson
Landscape & Nature:
1st: Shridan Morigeau
2nd: Susan Burt
3rd: Sonja Bronsen
HM: Garrett Palmer and
Joanne Cable
1st: Jessica Martin
2nd: Megan Bowman
3rd: Sylvia Sattler
HM: Laurie Rott and
Larry LaCom
Travel & Architecture:
1st: Garrett Palmer
2nd: Dago V
3rd: Polly Sherritt
HM: Kim Downey and
Kathy Valencia
Youth Photography:
1st: Morgan Lewis
2nd: Austin Garrett
3rd: Mikailey Judkins
HM: Kira Pankow and
Anna Boesler