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Local engineers sponsor workshop

The Antelope Valley forms the center of the largest aerospace test and training area in the world ... home to the U.S. Air Force, Army, Navy, NASA and commercial test and training facilities. The so-called “Aerospace Valley” encompasses some of the most innovative and leading-edge aerospace companies in the world. As a result, the valley is known as a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) “hot spot.”

It’s appropriate then, that the Antelope Valley Chapter of the International Test and Evaluation Association is co-hosting the 23rd Annual Test Instrumentation Workshop, with the theme of “Shaping the Future of Test and Evaluation (T&E),” in Las Vegas on May 14-16.

“This workshop, anticipated to attract over 300 professionals in test and evaluation, simply “out-grew” available facilities in the Antelope Valley,” said Chris Klug, the program chair.

Scientists, engineers, students and military personnel will gather to collaborate and unleash innovation in test and training data gathering and interpretation. The event will include technical presentations, demonstrations, short courses and vendor exhibits in instrumentation, telemetry, data processing, display and analysis.

This workshop also promotes STEM in the Antelope Valley. Local high school, college and university students, as well as aspiring professionals interested in STEM, are encouraged to attend the workshop, which promises to show them how mathematical equations can solve real-world problems. Proceeds are then used to support local STEM Grant programs for Antelope Valley junior and senior high schools.

This year the program is, “problem-based,” according to Technical Chair Tim Chalfant from COLSA Corporation, and, “highly recommended for STEM professionals to help keep our technical and scientific capabilities at the forefront of innovation.”

Klug, an engineering executive at Edwards AFB, invites, “both professionals and students to share new solutions and innovative ideas that can help our community manage and advance data sciences.”

Students may register for the workshop for $25 with current student identification, and emerging professionals get a reduced rate as well; see http://www.itea.org/event/23rd-test-and-training-instrumentation-workshop/.

For more information: Program Chair, Chris Klug, [email protected], Technical Chair, Tim Chalfant, [email protected], Exhibits and Sponsorships, Lena Moran, Executive Coordinator (951) 219-4817, or [email protected], Registration, James Gaidry, CAE, ITEA Executive Director, (703) 631-6220, or [email protected].

The International Test and Evaluation Association (ITEA) is an educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit for advancing STEM in local schools and to providing technical knowledge, career development and professional opportunities for the test and evaluation community. See http://www.itea.org for more details on the workshop, tutorials on offer, registration and presentation guidelines.

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