Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Participants watch as a couple shows off their dance moves.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Winning boots in the traditional Best Boots contest, held on Saturday.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Many of the dancers brought up to 10 changes of wardrobe to be worn at various times over this year's four day event.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Winners in the traditional Costume Wear competition. (l-r) First place in his own hand-cut, hand-stitched, hand-lined outfit was dancer Bill Mitchell. Second place went to Danyell Vanderstratten. Third place was taken by 10-year-old Maddox Davis in an all white dance dress.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Along with nearly 300 dancers and 18 dance bands all at last weekend's 3rd Annual Western Swing Out also came a dozen or so clothing and accessories vendors with items relating to swing dancer's needs. They set up in The Shed this year.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
In addition to the vendors The Shed cleared away their tables leaving plenty of room for various swing dance instruction class's. Two-Step dance instructor Danielle O'Neil is seen leading a group of dancers.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Dancing music was supplied by any one of the 18 visiting Dance Bands. This is Sweet Lo Melody from Sacramento playing on Saturday.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Participants watch as a couple of dancers display a step or two.
Nick Smirnoff (NPPA) count
Every year a fashion show of Swing wear clothing and accessories is held by the clothing vendors with volunteer dancers as the models.