Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Gandy Dancers 'Dancing Under the Stars'

The Tehachapi Gandy Dancers held their Annual Dancing Under the Stars Dance at the Tehachapi Hockey Rink. While dancing outside is delightful, it is a bit challenging for the caller and cuer. They are competing with the trains and their very loud whistles. However, this creates the charm of Tehachapi. Clubs from Bakersfield, Santa Clarita, Frasier Park and the San Fernando Valley attended. The weather was beautiful and it was an outstanding evening!

There is a Modern Square Dance Class starting on Wednesday, Sept. 11 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Tehachapi SENIOR CENTER, 500 E. F St. Come check it out. Singles and couples are welcome, and two free lessons are included.

For more information, call Shirley (661) 406-3628 or Carolyn at (661) 821-4003.