Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide
Rotary Club of Tehachapi
On Nov. 7, Rotary's past president Chris Naftel made a slide presentation from his underwater exploration trio to the Dutch island of Bonaire during July and August of this year. The 24-mile-long island's primary industry is the production of salt.
While there, the Tehachapi underwater photographer dove in 33 separate locations, photographing exotic underwater sea life. Naftel said this was his fifth trip to Bonaire and he spent 91-and-a-half hours under water diving to a maximum of 63 feet. He had to wear 10-to 12-pound of weights to stay on the bottom.
His Canon G16 camera captured a myriad of unique sea life. Naftel has published books of his macro-photographic images, winning awards locally at the Gallery 'N' Gifts photography contests. He showed how the seawater removes the bright colors in an underwater photograph and how photographic filters can bring the vibrant colors back into his subject.
Tehachapi Rotary meets every Thursday at noon at The Shed restaurant, 333 E. Tehachapi Blvd. For more information contact Tim Trujillo at (661) 821-0086.