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Let children lead you this season

From the Pastor's Desk

Dear Friends,

This is the season to be led and influenced by little children. My grandson, Benji, is patiently waiting for some stranger to break into his house and bring presents because a baby was born many years ago. His home doesn't have a fireplace, so Benji's mama built one from cardboard for Santa to "slide" down the chimney and into their living room. Santa was the scariest person Benji met last year, so it's a wonder that he sits by his little fireplace eagerly awaiting this man's visit, waiting for something magical to happen. It doesn't really make sense and maybe the meaning of Christmas is at least a bit confusing to all of us.

Advent is a season of waiting expectantly for miracles to happen. In churches we read ancient scriptures and are assured that God is at work in the world and inviting us to be a part of God's dreams. These are big dreams. Dreams that people "shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." (Isaiah 2:4).

Miraculously, we are invited into God's dreams. We are invited to hope, build peace, share joy and love one another. This invitation isn't to passively sit by a fireplace waiting for Santa, nor a frantic hustle and bustle to get all the shopping done and be amazing hosts and hostesses. Rather this invitation involves finding the sweet spot of waiting and doing - responding to God's lead in our lives - which might come through little children.

Some of you may have seen a video about a little child in Lebanon last month. Many places in our world are angry right now - peace seems far away. There are protests in many countries and Lebanon is one of them. During a noisy protest, a toddler woke up scared by the angry loud voices. The child's mother asked that the crowd quiet down and stop scaring the child. Miraculously, those closest to the boy saw his discomfort and began singing, "Baby Shark" to comfort him. Before long, the entire large crowd was singing this silly children's song and doing the arm motions. Not only did they comfort the child, but for a brief time, their anger turned to joy and peace and love. This child brought hope. Imagine the whole world coming together and singing "Baby Shark" to comfort one another whenever someone is afraid or hurting.

Why not? Let God and children speak to you this season.

Merry Christmas,

Pastor Nancy

About Tehachapi Community Church, UCC:

No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here!

The Tehachapi Community Church, UCC is an open and welcoming community of faith that believes that each person, created in the image of God, holds a piece of the truth. Therefore we respect each person's unique spiritual journey. We invite you to experience the difference that religious freedom in a caring community can make in that journey.

We are located at 100 East E St., in Tehachapi. Worship and Sunday School are at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays. Please join us for coffee and fellowship at our Friendship Hall after worship (approximately 11:30 a.m.).

All are welcome.

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