Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Clearview Estates Neighborhood Watch Program

A neighborhood watch program is a group of people living in the same area who want to make their neighborhood safer by working together and in conjunction with local law enforcement to reduce crime and improve their quality of life through social involvement. A Neighborhood Watch (NHW) is neighbors helping neighbors. Members meet their neighbors, learn how to make their homes more secure, watch out for one another and the neighborhood, and report activity that raises their suspicions to the police or sheriff's office.

Tehachapi Police Chief Kent Kroeger, Community Engagement Specialist Key Budge and other law enforcement officers have stated that it would be a wonderful thing to initiate neighborhood watch programs throughout the community due to the anticipated growth in Tehachapi.

Recently a new NHW has been established in the Clearview Estates area on S. Green St. and Clearview Ct. between Brentwood Dr. and Valley Blvd. in Tehachapi.

Facilitator Jenelle Wilcox initially contacted the City of Tehachapi regarding the Neighborhood Watch Program and talked with Budge, the liaison for the neighborhood watch program in the community. The first Clearview Estates NHW meeting took place on Sept. 12 in the home of Gary and Jenelle Wilcox. The purpose was to get the Clearview Estates neighborhood involved to establish a neighborhood watch program and to install the NHW signs throughout the neighborhood. The core group who met at the first meeting were Brenda Patin, Sandy McCorkle, Gary Wilcox, Jenelle Wilcox, Key Budge and Police Chief Kroeger. Since that first Meet and Greet, S. Green St. and Clearview Ct. residents have signed the register and have attended meetings and social gatherings. A communication system has also been established among the residents.

Captain Gary Wilcox, who did all the foot work to introduce and register the households to establish the NHW, Jenelle Wilcox, co-captain and facilitator, and Co-Captains Nick and Wendy Gonzales, spearheaded the drive to get all of the residents of their little neighborhood on board for the watch program. The NHW signs were then posted and a celebratory Fall Potluck was held on Nov. 23 in the home of Co-Captains Nick and Wendy Gonzales. Future plans include a social event in February 2020. By everyone working together, the efforts to implement the neighborhood watch program in this area have been successful, due to interest on the part of all the residents and the collaboration with law enforcement.

We encourage the community to get involved and call Budge at the City of Tehachapi and ask how you too can help support your neighborhood and the community through the Neighborhood Watch Program.

It's a good thing!

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