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2020, a new year

Bear Force Taekwondo Academy

A New Year, new opportunities, new challenges and new possibilities that are endless. What do you want to accomplish in the coming year? Are you one of the many that makes resolutions for the New Year? One of the top resolutions each year, in one form or another, is about health. Whether it is to take time for yourself, get more exercise, lose weight or strengthen your body, they all revolve around being healthier.

Whether or not you make a formal resolution, don’t we all want to be healthier? There are many benefits to getting healthier but it also takes a little work. Most resolutions do not last the first month, but there are ways to help you meet your goals.

• Make a goal that is manageable. Be specific. Instead of being generic such as, “I will exercise more,” make a goal to exercise 3 hours a week. Better yet define the exercise: I will walk 3 hours a week; I will attend a class 2 hours a week. Then have the discipline to do it.

• Do not beat yourself up if you miss a day. Have self-respect; give yourself a break. We are all busy and life happens. Get back on schedule the next day.

• Whatever your goal is give it one hundred percent effort. That is one of the reasons to make the goal specific; it is easier to give your all to something that is within reach.

• Be honest with yourself. If you cannot get in a whole hour do 15 minutes. Something is better than nothing. It builds; the more you accomplish the better you will feel. The better you feel the more likely you are to continue to exercise. If you are facing the same hurdle over and over, reevaluate the goal. Maybe it is too big; break it down into smaller pieces.

• Another great way to help you meet your goals is to share them with friends and family. They can be great cheerleaders, especially if they are working towards the same objective.

How can Bear Force Taekwondo help you reach your goals? Taekwondo is not just a martial art, it is also a mindset. In addition to the physical sport of Taekwondo, values are taught. These values are: discipline, self respect, one percent effort, honesty and goal setting.

At the beginning of each year students are asked to share their goals with the class. All their goals, not just those for Taekwondo. Throughout the year they are encouraged and inspired towards their completion. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain strength, spend more time on yourself, increase your flexibility or get healthier, this is the place to be. Come join us. Make some new friends. Have some fun while getting in shape.

Still not sure? The first class is free. Adult classes are Monday and Wednesday, 6 to 7 p.m. Individual classes are also available. Remember all abilities are welcome. Please feel free to call Master Darren or Coach Caryn for more information at (661) 823-4175.

Bear Force Taekwondo Academy is located in the Great Oaks Plaza, 20601 Valley Blvd., Tehachapi, right next to the Butcher Shop. The academy is a vendor for Inspire and Valley Oaks Charter schools.