Mountain Tales: First-hand stories of life in Tehachapi
We liked to have our chickens be able to roam around our property. One of our roosters disappeared and we didn't see it for a few days. I figured something must have happened to it since he had disappeared. Then I went to move a plastic five-gallon bucket that was sitting upside down. I lifted the bucket and that chicken was underneath it. It had gotten in there, probably pecking at grain or some food left while the bucket was lying on its side, and somehow straightened upright and wound up with the bucket upside down on top of it. Its comb had turned from red to blue from the shortage of oxygen, but otherwise it seemed okay and it was fine after a few hours.
– Dan Wilkinson
Dan and his wife Becky were educators with the Tehachapi Unified School District. Together with their children and Dan's parents, they raised lilacs on their farm on Cherry Lane for many years.