Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

An extra day

Windswept Ranch

I cannot tell you how excited we all are to be opening the ranch to visitors again! We really have worked hard over the past year to get things ready and it looks like most of the work will be done thanks to some amazing volunteers. (We still have a place for you if you are interested in volunteering and will have an orientation on Saturday, March 14 and again on March 28).

Having an extra day in February really helped. Leap Year was a gift for us. I am not sure what you did with your extra day. Maybe you have saved it up to use at some time in the future, or maybe like us, you used it to get things done you have been putting off.

A lot of our work was "lipstick and rouge," (It amazes me how different things look here with a fresh coat of paint) but we have done so much more. New pens for the pigs and rehabbing areas that have suffered so much in the wind were some of the bigger projects we took on.

And wait until you see our Western Façade! It looks amazing and what better way to introduce it than with "Code of the West," a group of actors doing western reenactments live at the ranch! There will be three performances on opening day, April 4, and lots of photo ops in between.

We have been busy rearranging the animals to make the tour more educational and adding lots of signage.

As always, the animals will be excited to see you and especially grateful to once again have Saturdays to look forward to.

Our plans for this year are so exciting and I can't wait for you to come on out and take part. There will be wolves, story tellers, kites and of course, camel kisses.

If you haven't already used your extra day, why not spend it with us on April 4. We promise a rip roaring time with "Code of the West" and all the critters you have come to know.

And if you want to volunteer, call Diana at (661) 802-1880.

Windswept Ranch is located at 11101 Robert Ranch Rd., Willow Springs.

Directions: From Tehachapi take Highline east to Tehachapi Willow Springs, turn right and go 11-miles to the "OPEN" banner and turn right up the dirt road.