Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

What's Up in Stallion Springs?

The Stallion Springs CSD held a Town Hall meeting on Feb. 29 at the Community Center. The CSD held the meeting regarding proposed changes to what is acceptable waste and what is not at the solid waste site.

The CSD sent out surveys to 1,400 residents with three possible options. There were 583 responses to the survey. Option one was for home pickup, which received 60 votes. Option two was for a manned/limited hour waste center, which had 161 votes. Option three was for a key entry 24/7 assess, which received 362 votes.

The survey results overwhelming favored option three, which will involve a gated facility that only residents with an issued RFI I.D. tag on their headlight can access. This option has no price increase at this time. The cost will be, with board approval, absorbed by the Capital Reserve Account.

There were over 200 residents in attendance. The project will take several months to complete, but will assist with controlling the waste area.

Parks and Recreation

Fun Fridays, a new event that has been created for the teens in the community, runs every Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. Teens ages 11 and up can come and hang out for free fun. There is volleyball, ping-pong, basketball, Pictionary, a coffee/cocoa bar and more.

Free Yoga is back. Classes will be offered every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

Free Pickle Ball in the gymnasium is held Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 9 a.m. All levels are welcome to come join in the fun.

Judo continues in the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.

Parks and Recreation is looking for residents to volunteer for the trails committee to help maintain the trails as they have done in the past.

Police Report

The Board of Directors approved the purchase of a new vehicle. The Department has hired two full-time officers and has the potential of hiring an additional part-time officer and was in need of an additional vehicle. The cost will be paid from the Capital Vehicles account.

For non-life-threatening issues, please call (661)861-3110. You may contact us by email or using the contact information provided on the CSD website, http://www.stallionspringscsd.com. If you wish to make an appointment to speak with an officer contact the CSD at (661)822-3268. Appointments maybe canceled at any time due to limited police staffing.

Stallion Springs Board of Directors

The Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. in the CSD Board Room. The next meeting is scheduled for March 17.

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