Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

As of March 13, all amenities closed due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus. They will be closed at least until April 1, and will reassess the situation at that time. Based on that shutdown, the art show has also been delayed. Stay tuned for a new date. The CAA wants to assure you that they don’t plan to cancel the show altogether.

Good news, neighbors! Our Community Services District along with the others in the Tehachapi area has been approved for a grant from the state to purchase a generator for use during the PSPS shutdowns. And we know they will happen come summer or fall. Several people were left without water during shutdowns in the fall. The grant value will be somewhere between $42,000 and $154,000 based on the community needs. We might be approved for one of the higher amounts, taking into consideration the expanse of the community.

The Tail Waggers Dog Club has monthly hikes on the horse trails of the community. With the Whiting Center being closed, you are welcome to come on the hikes with your dog, or even without a dog. The hikes typically take place the first Saturday of the month.

Due to lake quality problems the Harv Levenson fishing derby will not take place this year. The algae is causing problems but, hopefully, it will resume next year.

Put April 18 on your calendar. That is the day of the semi-annual trash pickup along the Valley’s roadways. More volunteers are always welcome, so meet at the Equestrian Center at 9 a.m., with gloves, water, hat and picker-uppers if you have them. Safety vests are available, plus the trash bags. More hands make lighter work. If the Mulligan Room is reopened by then, we meet afterward for lunch.

Bear Valley Springs is a private gated community in which the residents pay an annual association amenities fee. To participate in the above events, a non-member or non-resident must arrange with a friend or family member in the community for a guest pass that would permit them to engage in the activities. Guest passes will be checked.

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