Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

What's Up in Bear Valley Springs?

By the time you read this, July 4th will have come and gone. Our annual Hot air balloons will be here but tethered and not taking up passengers.

The Meet-the-Candidates meeting for the Association took place on Wednesday, June 24 at the Whiting Center. Two returning members are on the ballot —Monique Herbst and Peggy Bergman-Smith. Bergman-Smith was an appointee when Larry Thompson left the board.

Since three spots were available, though, and only two people were running, two more people have expressed interest. Long time board member, Todd Lander, who had stepped down due to family health issues last year, has expressed an interest in rejoining the board. As well, Andrea Hicks has expressed an interest, and they both joined the debate.

A small crowd attended the debate, and sat socially-distanced. Peggy Bergman-Smith opened her statements by giving kudos to the staff for staying fiscally sound during this COVID-19 challenge. Monique Herbst explained that she had now been on the board for two years and is returning due to her passion for the community. Todd Lander explained that he has been on the board 10-and-a-half years and feels that communication is key. Andrea Hicks told the crowd she has been here for 18 years and wants to make the community aware of board duties and jurisdictions.

All encouraged the community to vote in the BVSA election because we need a quorum, or else it will need to be done all over again, and will cost more. This could make our dues go up next year.

Do not lose hope that the sides of the roads will be mowed. CSD staff has assured me that they are doing a summer hiring in order to have staff available to take care of that particular task. And it is important for fire safety. Also, they are tending to more water leaks. Currently, 10 locations in the valley are in line to be repaired.

The pool in Bear Valley Springs is the only one open in the Tehachapi area. Lap swimmers, the swim team, water aerobics classes and swim classes for the children are all in full swing, and things seem to be going well. Speaking as a water aerobics participant, our class is ever so grateful for having it available.

Enjoy your summer! Stay healthy and pay attention to safety regulations, so as not to spike our local virus cases. And, as always, deep gratitude goes out to our first responders.

Bear Valley Springs is a private gated community in which the residents pay an annual association amenities fee. To participate in the above events, a non-member or non-resident must arrange with a friend or family member in the community for a guest pass that would permit them to engage in the activities. Guest passes will be checked.

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