Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

To open or not to open, that is the question?

Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and errors of government regulation, or to take arms against a sea of troubles including not being able to serve clients or risk the possibility of catching a virus!

While the question may not be as dramatic as a Shakespeare play, the consequences can be. We're living in a difficult time, governments and businesses are walking a tightrope trying to determine what's the best balance in the world of COVID.

The rules of the game are constantly changing as infection rates are going up and down. A great example is restaurants. They have gone to a percentage of being open, to outdoor seating only, to again now having outdoor seating and in some cases a percentage of the actual restaurant open. It's hard to plan meals, staffing and any kind of continuity when Sacramento is coming up with new procedures.

In the case of my office, we've been fortunate. The office is large enough to provide space for everyone and a lot of what we can do involves processing payments and forms in mail slots or meeting people in the back of the office.

We have decided to open the front doors, but as with most businesses, certain procedures are mandated by the State. We are requiring masks as directed by law unless there is a 6-foot distance between staff and the customer. Our clients can keep pens used for signing documents or if they choose not to, we will sanitize the pens along with the area worked in after every visit.

As we all strive toward the new normal, whatever that is, we may be changing policies and hours depending upon mandates from the State. For now, our normal hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. We're here to help!

Marty Pay and his staff at Farmers insurance have been servicing the Tehachapi area for over 30 years. His office is at 212 W. F St. in Tehachapi and their phone number is (661) 822-3737.

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