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2021 Tehachapi Calendar – A project of love

For the past year, local artist Judith Campanaro has been working on a series of 12 scenes of Tehachapi.

Recently, with the help of South Street Digital, she compiled the body of work into a calendar.

"The paintings were a bit difficult for me because I usually work in an impressionistic style and mostly use bright bold colors. Detail is not my forte but I am glad I tried because I learned so much from this project," Campanaro said.

It all started with a photo by Joey Rooney of the row of mailboxes at the entrance to Sand Canyon.

"I was so taken by the image," said Campanaro, "that I had to paint it."

Mel White, Andi Hicks and Sandy Sanford also shared photos that inspired other scenes in the calendar.

"It was a project of love and gave me something to concentrate on during the COVID isolation. But those weren't the only benefits. Learning about the wonderful landmarks in our community gave me a new insight and love for our beautiful city. I'm not much of a Facebook user but the response I received from others whenever I posted a new painting kept me going. I received suggestions about what to paint and positive feedback about what I was doing."

"As an art therapist and registered expressive arts consultant/educator, my mission is to facilitate empowerment through creative expression. So when all this came together I felt like everything morphed into a community project. Vincent Hernandez and Joey Rooney took photos of my paintings. Joey helped me make a digital file and South Street Digital made the calendar a reality. It takes a village and that was certainly what happened here," Campanaro shared.

The calendars are priced at $20. Judith said that once all the calendars are sold she will have notecards and prints of the scenes available at The Treasure Trove. She is also making wooden postcards that can be sent through the mail.

If you would like a calendar, contact Judith at [email protected] or call/text (646) 896-4434.