Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

What's Up in Stallion Springs?

Drive with care! The elk and deer are enjoying the weather. Large groups have been spotted along Comanche Point Road near Longhorn Lane and in the area near Jacks Hill and Buckskin Dr. The lake is a good place for a drink and a bath to cool off. Be careful while driving through the area. They may be crossing the roads in groups or playing follow the leader with short distances between them. Beware of stopped cars and people watching them.

Hazard Mitigation Plan

Windy Benson, administrative coordinator for the Kern County Fire Department, Office of Emergency Service has notified the SSCSD that Volume 1 of the Kern Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan, also known as the "umbrella plan," and the standalone Annex Hazard Mitigation Plans (HMPs) of the 11 jurisdictions in wave one of submissions (including the Stallion Springs Community Services District), has been under review by Cal OES and FEMA.  We were standing by to see whether FEMA required any edits or changes to Volume 1 and the standalone Annex HMPs before approving them.

I am pleased to report that FEMA recently notified us that Volume 1 and the Annex HMPs of the 11 jurisdictions in wave one, including the Stallion Springs Community Services District's, are "Approvable Pending Adoption."  No edits or changes are necessary.  This is a significant milestone and I congratulate you and the District for contributing to its achievement!

In granting a designation of "Approvable Pending Adoption," FEMA has determined that Volume 1 and the 11 Annex HMPs are eligible for final approval pending adoption by Kern County and the 11 participating jurisdictions.  To adopt Volume 1 and its own standalone Annex HMP, the governing body of each participating jurisdiction must now approve a resolution.

The Board of Directors of the Stallion Springs Community Services District will need to approve a resolution that adopts the Volume 1 "umbrella plan" and its Annex HMP as the official mitigation plan and submit the resolution for approval at the Board meeting.

Once FEMA grants final approval, Volume 1 and the standalone Annex HMPs will be valid for five years.  During the five-year period, the District will be eligible to apply for funds through FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Grant Program.  When awarded, HMA Grant Program funds can be used to begin implementing the mitigation actions detailed in the District's Annex HMP. 

Stallion Springs CERT Team

The CERT meeting Wednesday, January 6 was canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions.  However, in this new year the monthly meetings will be scheduled on the first Wednesday of the month in the Corral Room at 6:30 p.m., and the Net Call Up exercises will be conducted at 6 p.m.  We hope you can join us for the Net Call Up. We will use FRS Channel "6" for those with FRS Radios, and "SS RPTR" for those with Bao Feng Radios. Make sure your radio batteries are charged, and when your Call Sign is called by Stallion Control please answer clearly with your Call Sign and whether you are hearing Stallion Control. If you don't hear your Call Sign or name, please announce yourself at the end of the exercise.

With the beginning of the new year, this would be a good time to check your go-bags.

Replace water bottles, put in fresh snacks and whatever items you may need. 

Stallion Springs Neighborhood Watch

The next meeting is scheduled for January 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Corral room at the Community Center.

Stallion Springs Board of Directors

The Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m., normally in the CSD Boardroom. The next meeting will be held January 19 at 6 p.m. in the CSD Board room or at the Community Center subject to the restrictions created by the Coronavirus.

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