Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Recognizing historic women

AAUW of Tehachapi

Celebrating Women’s History Month is what Tehachapi Mountain Branch of AAUW has been doing since 1995. American Association of University Women has encouraged branches to recognize historic women since March was designated for this purpose in 1985.

It was member Carol Coleman who inspired members of the local branch to dress in costume and impersonate women from history. In past years, they made presentations in schools and at service clubs. However, this year that was not possible because of COVID-19 restrictions. They did tell their stories at an AAUW meeting on Zoom. It was recorded and will be available on the website, http://www.tehachapimountain-ca.aauw.net.

Laura Amstead represented Susan and Anna Warner who were Sunday School teachers to generations of West Point Cadets in the 1800s. Andrea Hicks was Dorothy Parker, an American poet, writer, and critic in the early 20th century. Connie Brehm portrayed Anne Williamson, a nurse whose career spanned the very earliest days of the profession. Lauren Hollen was Margaret Burbidge, an astronomer and astrophysicist. Jeannette Crounse portrayed Katherine Wright, sister of the Wright Brothers who devoted her to life to helping her brothers succeed.

The five presenters were enthusiastically applauded and the audience gained a new appreciation for contributions these historic women made in their lifetime. Jeannette Crounse was praised for organizing the group during these trying times. She said she looks forward to next year when perhaps the presentations can once again be made in classrooms.

AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research. Membership is open to any graduate holding an associate degree or higher from an accredited institution. Dues are $102 per year which includes membership in both the State and National AAUW. Call (661) 972-6508 for membership questions. More information about the Branch is available at http://www.tehachapimountain-ca.aauw.net.

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