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City of Tehachapi
There are 108 new American flags on display throughout Downtown Tehachapi, thanks to the City's Public Works Department.
Each year the City of Tehachapi places new American flags in the downtown area prior to Memorial Day. The process of properly displaying our nation's flag takes several days and is done with care and pride. The flags will remain up through Veteran's Day in November.
"We honor our military veterans and are a very patriotic city, we make sure the flags are on display along the parade route before the Memorial Day. It's a small thing that we can do to pay tribute to this great country we live in and say thank you to those that sacrificed to give us our freedom," said Greg Garrett, Tehachapi City Manager.
The Tehachapi American Legion Post 221 hosted the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 31. The parade route ran east along F Street beginning at Mulberry Street and turned south on Mojave Street and ended at Central Park. A flag raising ceremony took place afterward at Central Park.
Each American flag on display is also part of the Adopt-A-Flag Program through the city. The program allows businesses, families and organizations to sponsor a flag with a customized sticker which is placed on the light post so that you can recognize a family member or friend who served our country or show your patriotism.
Please call Grace at (661) 822-2200, ext. 103 for any questions. Applications will also be available online at http://www.liveuptehachapi.com/DocumentCenter/View/5810/Adopt-A-flag-2021.