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Tehachapi City Council Update
New Lehigh head introduced
Past Lehigh plant manager Craig Mifflin came back to Tehachapi from his new home in Carlsbad, California to introduce the Tehachapi City Council to Lehigh’s new plant manager Blaise Moran. During the July 19 meeting Mifflin explained that the Lehigh Cement Plant has been sold with escrow to close around Sept. 1. Martin Marietta Inc., a completely U.S. owned corporation located primarily in the eastern part of the country, paid $22.3 billion for Lehigh, thus expanding their business holdings to California and parts of Oregon, Nevada and Arizona.
“The trees are coming”
In 2019, the City received an Urban Greening Grant to plant approximately 475 trees and shrubs and create storm-water capture features along the Tehachapi Blvd. Bikeway and the median on Curry Street near Tompkins Elementary School. The Tehachapi City Council awarded the contract for the long-awaited project at their July 19 meeting. Development Services Director Jay Schlosser said that the City had a hard time getting contractors to bid on the project. Marina Landscape, Inc., who won the contract, is from Los Angeles.
With the addition of some left over Redevelopment Agency funds, the project will be completely grant funded with no City matching funds. Schlosser said that the actual tree planting will take place next spring. However, work on the project is expected to begin in August with construction beginning on the irrigation systems for the trees.
Schlosser added that the City has ordered a variety of species including native pines and oaks. Each tree will be supported by two or three stakes. Once planted, Public Works will be responsible for tree maintenance.
The Tehachapi City Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. Currently they are meeting at the BeeKay Theater located at 110 S. Green St.