City of Tehachapi
In season 2, episode 96, Kern County District Attorney Cynthia Zimmer came into the TehachaPod studios at Tehachapi City Hall to talk about crime in Kern County. Zimmer is a 38-year veteran of the District Attorney's office in Kern County, 35 as a prosecutor and the last three serving as the District Attorney.
Zimmer talks candidly about how the prosecutor's office remains impartial and focuses on justice. She talks about crime trends in Kern County and Tehachapi. She covers the challenges faced during the pandemic and how her office led the state with felony prosecutions while neighboring counties still have not had a felony trial in their courtrooms since the pandemic began.
Cynthia referred to Tehachapi as a special place and believes Kern County is a great place to live. We talk to her about much more and it can be heard on the latest episode of TehachaPod: or
We also revisit episode 63 recorded earlier this year, "Where does Tehachapi's Water Come From?" We have an in-depth interview with Public Works Director Don Marsh and Deputy Director Tyler Napier about the Tehachapi water basin and how our water is stored and delivered. The conversation is relevant and important to understand with California's current drought conditions.
To listen to "Where Does Tehachapi's Water come From?" visit .
Future episodes to feature conversations with Congressman Kevin McCarthy and Family Life Pregnancy Center Executive Director Dee Zimmerman.
TehachaPod is available on all podcasting platforms free of charge and is the official podcast for the City of Tehachapi. TehachaPod features Greg Garrett, City Manager; Corey Costelloe, Economic Development Coordinator; and Key Budge, Community Engagement Specialist as the hosts. Find a link on our website Direct any questions, comments or show ideas to [email protected].