Tehachapi's Online Community News & Entertainment Guide

Violence in the Workplace Prevention Training

Having knowledge is your power. Only three weeks into 2023, we have had 39 mass shootings across the nation. One recently confirmed active shooter incident was a disgruntled employee situation. Another unfolded at a workplace, but details are still coming in. If this number of incidents keeps occurring at this frequency, we could be close to 700 mass shootings in 2023.

How should an employer deal with these situations and the impact the media coverage inevitably may have on their employees and families? The FBI, SHRM and FEMA feel employers should prepare their employees before an incident occurs. The proactive course of action is to train employees to be prepared in the event an intruder or a disgruntled employee, a former employee or a random act of violence within their workplace.

Violence in the Workplace Prevention Training is a starting point to teach some common signs of an employee who may revert to violence or have domestic violence spillover at work, creating danger for coworkers and management. This training is not intended to intimidate or scare your employees but to help save lives when a tragedy strikes. The training should include conversations with employees about company-specific scenarios, any internal needs and how to react and handle potentially dangerous situations within the workplace environment.

The end purpose of this training is to aid employees in recognizing the potential warning signs, explaining proper steps for reporting incidents, how-to manage and intervene or evade, if necessary., and prevention of any form of violence in the workplace.

Compliance Training Group has this training topic available with various options and is ready to help any organization create a safer workplace and community for everyone. Let's celebrate a safe and loving Valentine's Day with the knowledge of what to look for and sound the alarm.

For more information, please visit us at http://www.ComplianceTrainingGroup.com.

Happy Valentine's Day to all.

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