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City receives Investment Policy Certification

City of Tehachapi

The California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA) Investment Policy Certification has been granted to the City of Tehachapi.

This Investment Policy Certification recognizes that CMTA has validated City of Tehachapi's Investment Policy adheres with the State of California Government Code and meets the program requirements within 18 different topics areas deemed to be best practices for investment policies. Those topics include: Scope, Prudence, Objective, Delegation of Authority, Ethics and Conflicts of Interest, Authorized Financial Dealers and Institutions, Authorized and Suitable Investments, Review of Investment Portfolio, Investment Pools/Mutual Funds, Collateralization, Safekeeping and Custody, Diversification, Maximum Maturities, Internal Controls, Performance Standards, Reporting, Investment Policy Adoption and Glossary. Once a policy is received by CMTA, it is independently evaluated using a scoring matrix by three separate CMTA professionals. When the agency receives a passing score, the Investment Policy earns the "Certified" distinction.

To enhance the municipal treasurer's role, CMTA has developed a number of certification programs to reflect best practices and increase an individual's knowledge of fixed income instruments. The Investment Policy Certification program began in 2012 with support from the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission. It is open to all government agencies within the State of California including special districts, cities and counties.

CMTA was founded in 1958 by a handful of Municipal Treasurers from both Northern and Southern California whose primary interest was to improve their function in local Government. CMTA is a professional organization governed by active public officials who are representatives of their own local governmental units.